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Murder story of Odessa Jews at the Kamennaya Balka ravine

Murder Site
Kamennaya Balka
Ukraine (USSR)
On March 18, 1942, some 400 Jewish deportees from Odessa were murdered by members of an ethnic German militia from the Tartakai farmstead at the Kamennaya Ravine near the village of Sakharovka.
Related Resources
ChGK Report from Sakharovka
Documentation of the State Extraordinary Commission for Investigation of Nazi War Crimes in the Soviet Union (ChGK), 1944 regarding the murder and persecution of Jews in the Odessa Region, 1941-1944
In March 1942, sometime around March 18, a shooting of Soviet citizens deported from Western Ukraine and the city of Odessa took place. The shooting was carried out by German agricultural settlers from Tartakai, under the command of a German officer, and it lasted from evening until dawn. The shooting took place over the Kammenaya Balka ravine, beyond the village of Sakharovka-on the northestern side, some 350-400 meters from the hut of the collective poultry farm. The victims, who had been stripped to the underwear, were shot in groups of 100-150. The total number of victims was about 400, including 190 children. After the shooting, the entire pile of bodies-which may have included some people who were merely wounded, rather than dead-was heaped over with staw, doused with fuel, and set on fire. The victims were shot in the back of the head, with machine guns.
GARF, MOSCOW R-7021-69-75 copy YVA M.33 / JM/19967; JM/19969
Kamennaya Balka
Murder Site
Ukraine (USSR)