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Murder story of Korosten Jews in the Moglinskiy Area

Murder Site
Moglinskiy Area
Ukraine (USSR)
Some testimonies report that Moglinskiy pit in the southern part of Korosten was also a shooting site of local Jews. There is no information available about the exact date of this murder operation.
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Semyon Shum, who was born in 1910 and lived in Korosten during the war years, testified:
To be translated
The German occupiers began to carry out the shooting of Soviet civilians who were Jewish in origin. I believe that 6,000-7,000 Jews were shot. They were mostly shot in the southern part of the town, at the forest nursery and near the Moglinskiy pit. I heard from the police commandant who used to live next to me that about 150-160 Jews were shot each day.
GARF, MOSCOW R-7021-60-297 copy YVA M.33 / JM/19705
Moglinskiy Area
Murder Site
Ukraine (USSR)