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Murder Story of Korosten Jews at the Fat Boiling Facility near Korosten

Murder Site
Korosten Area
Ukraine (USSR)
Former fat boiling facility murder site, apparently, prior to the memorial establishing.
Former fat boiling facility murder site, apparently, prior to the memorial establishing.
YVA, Photo Collection, 3895/1
In August 18 – 19, 1941 the Jewish population of Korosten was collected in the local school building. From there the victims were taken in a column outside of town toward the fat-boiling facility. There the Jews were taken in groups of 20-30 and shot to death in an anti-tank trench.
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From the testimony of Polina Kirzhner, who was born in Korosten and survived the murder operation
At about 9 o'clock in the morning the police and soldiers appeared, Everyone was forced into a column and taken along Krasnaya Street toward Chelovka village.… Finally, outside of town, the column of people was made to turn right toward the fat-boiler…. A car arrived and an officer shouted something. The policemen took 20 – 30 people who were in the front row of the column and brought them to the anti-tank trench. Among them were Leva Giller, Chaim and Avraam Nudelman, all the Rakhman family ( Yasha, Leychik, Lilya and Asya), then Naum and Basya Kravets were joined to them. Suddenly shooting and heart-breaking screams were heard from thosee being shot first. I was lying still as if I was dead; every time I opened my eyes I saw our fellow Korosten residents who were being killed only for being Jews. When the execution was over, the soldiers from the murder squad got into cars and left.
Yefim Segal "The Great Pogrom," Yevreyskiy kamerton, March 23, 2000 (Russian)
Korosten Area
Fat Boiling Facility
Murder Site
Ukraine (USSR)
Former fat boiling facility murder site, apparently, prior to the memorial establishing.
Former fat boiling facility murder site, apparently, prior to the memorial establishing.
YVA, Photo Collection, 3895/1