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Murder story of Korosten Jews in the Forestry Nursery near Korosten

Murder Site
Korosten Area
Ukraine (USSR)
In September 1941 the Jews of Korosten and, apparently, [also] from nearby villages were driven in groups to the area of the forestry nursery in the southern part of the town. The Germans shot the victims in four pits that had been prepared in advance. Some sources say the number of the victims was about 500. The exact date of the murder operation remains unknown.

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Vasiliy Peshko, who was born in 1868 and lived in the forest nursery near Korosten during the war years, testified:
To be translated
….The shootings of the innocent population took place in the area of my nursery in the month of September 1941…. I can not tell the exact number of the Soviet civilians who were shot in the area of my nursery, but I think the number of shooting victims was about 500.... The shootings of these innocent people were caried out only in the daytime, from two to four o'clock in the afternoon…. Only Germans shot these innocent people. On the territory of my nursery there were four pits, measuring 3 x 4 meters…. I do not know where the people who were shot were from. Most of them were Jews. All the Jews were brought to the shooting [site] only by truck.
GARF, MOSCOW R-7021-60-297 copy YVA M.33 / JM/19705
Korosten Area
Forest Nursery
Murder Site
Ukraine (USSR)