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Murder Story of Tuczyn Jews at the Tuczyn Leather Factory

Murder Site
One day in late July 1941, Einsatzkommando 4a of the Security Police (SiPo) and the Security Service (SD) from the city of Równe arrived in Tuczyn. Using lists of names drawn up by the Ukrainian nationalists, this SD unit arrested 25 Jews (many of whom belonged to the local intelligentsia) as Communists and Soviet activists. Five Ukrainians were also arrested in this operation, on the same charges. All the arrestees were taken to a garden behind the town's leather factory and shot dead.
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From the testimony of Avraham German, who was born in 1894 in Tuczyn and lived there during the German occupation:
…Several days later [i.e., in July 1941] – I don't remember the exact date – Grabner [the German regional army officer] arrested 17 Jews. Among them were my uncle Hershl German and his two sons. They were taken behind the leather factory and shot there. They were buried at the site….
Avraham Sadeh and Levy Dror, eds.: The Jews of Tuchin and Kripa in front of their murderers (Va'ad yotsei Tuchin ve Kripa, Moreshet Bet Edut Mordekhai Anilevits, 1990), p. 24 (Hebrew).
Murder Site