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Murder Story of Minsk Jews at the Hospital in the Central European Jews' Ghetto

Murder Site
Hospital in the Ghetto of the Central European Jews
Belorussia (USSR)
In late July-early August 1943, SS-Hauptscharfuehrer Adolf Ruebe, accompanied by a squad of Latvian auxiliary policemen, arrived on the premises of the hospital set up in the ghetto of the Central European Jews deported to Minsk. The hospital occupied two three-story buildings – the so-called "White House," which contained the hospital proper, in addition to a surgery clinic; and the so-called "Red House," where the patients confined to bed were hospitalized. The killers first shot the patients in the "Red House," and then the doctors and patients in the "White House." This massacre claimed the lives of at least 50 people.
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From the memoirs of Karl Loewenstein, former chief of the "Hamburg" ghetto police, "From the Hell of Minsk to the 'Paradise' of Teresienstadt" (in German):
We had a "hospital" in the "White House", where we accommodated about twenty ill individuals in a small room… One day, Hauptscharfuehrer Ruebe shot all the bed-confined patients one after another. Each patient had to wait his or her turn….
NIOD, AMSTERDAM FILE 15A copy YVA M.68 / JM/14174
Hospital in the Ghetto of the Central European Jews
Murder Site
Belorussia (USSR)