According to the testimony of Holocaust survivor Hersh Pfeffer in March 1943 several dozen inmates of the Tarnopol ghetto were shot to death by a senior Security Police officer in the cellar of the building housing the Judenrat offices.
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Written Testimonies
From the Testimony of Hersh Pfeffer, September 16, 1948
…I am personally acquainted with Willi Krueger [in 1943 chief of the Gestapo in Tarnopol]…On March 22, 1943, on orders from this cruel thief and murderer and of his criminal crony, a Gestapo man named Mueller, 30 Jews, including my parents, were arrested, robbed of their belongings; those two bloodhounds murdered the 30 unfortunates in a very cruel way in the cellar of the Judenrat [building]…