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Murder Story of Sarny Jews at the Sarny Jewish Cemetery

Murder Site
According to one testimony, some Jews from Sarny, who had been caught hiding after the murder operation in the Tutowicze Forest, were shot at the town's Jewish cemetery.
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Yitshak Geller, who was born in 1899 and lived in Sarny during the war years, testifies:
…When I returned to Sarny after the war, I learned of the fate of those Jews who had managed to hide for a while, and who were then caught [in hiding] and executed at the Jewish cemetery [of Sarny]: Leib Muchnik, his wife and children, Moshe Tsirulnik, Zerach Denenberg, and many others.…
Yosef Kariv, ed., Book of Remembrance of the Community of Sarny, Jerusalem, 1961, p. 277 (in Hebrew).
Jewish cemetery
Murder Site