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Murder Story of Vitebsk Jews at the Vitebsk Machine Tractor Workshop

Murder Site
Machine-Tractor Workshop in Vitebsk
Belorussia (USSR)
According to testimonies gathered by the Soviet Extraordinary Commission for the Investigation of Nazi Crimes in Vitebsk, about 500 people, some of whom appear to have been Jews, were shot in 1942-1943 by German Security Police officers. The shooting took place in bomb craters in the area of the Vitebsk machine tractor workshop.
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From the ChGK report about German atrocities in the Vitebsk County:
To be translated
…In the area of the Vitebsk machine tractor workshop, there were two large craters made by high-explosive bombs dropped from an airplane. In 1942-1943, the German death squads transported Soviet people – both innocent civilians and prisoners of war – to this site by vehicle. There, they were either shot or thrown into the craters alive, and buried in them. According to the testimonies, about 500 people were shot there….
GARF, MOSCOW R-7021-84-3 copy YVA M.33 / JM/20003
Machine-Tractor Workshop in Vitebsk
agricultural machinery and tractor station
Murder Site
Belorussia (USSR)