In August 1941, Einsatzkommando 9 of Einsatzgruppe B, under the command of Alfred Filbert, shot several hundred Jewish inmates of the Vitebsk Ghetto – both men and women, mostly members of the intelligentsia – in the Ilovskiy Ravine between the villages of Sebyakhi and Tulovo, about 5 km east of Vitebsk (nowadays, this area is part of the city).
On October 8-10, 1941, several thousand inmates of the Vitebsk Ghetto were taken by truck to the Ilovskiy Ravine, forced to strip naked, and shot in groups of up to 10 people in the anti-tank trenches that had been dug in the ravine as part of a Soviet effort to defend the city. This massacre, too, was perpetrated by members of Einsatzkommando 9 of Einsatzgruppe B, who used the "thread of epidemics" as a pretext for the liquidation of the Vitebsk Ghetto. They were assisted by soldiers of the SS "Das Reich" Division attached to Einsatzkommando 9 and by local auxiliary policemen.
In December 1941, members of Einsatzkommando 9 of Einsatzgruppe B shot about 200 Soviet Jewish inmates of the POW camp in Vitebsk.This shooting, too, seems to have taken place in the Ilovskiy Ravine.
Related Resources
Written Testimonies
Written Accounts
German Reports / Romanian Reports
Soviet Reports
ChGK Soviet Reports
Yefim Markelis, who was born in 1927 in Vitebsk and lived there during the war years, testified:
...Every day, they would take out [groups] of 150-200 people; by evening, they would load them into carts and take them there, to the area called [unclear] near the river Vitba. There was a ravine there, in which a trench had been dug, and shootings would take place there on a daily basis.
QUESTION: Did they carry out a selection of some kind, or did they simply grab anyone they came across?
ANSWER: They would proceed sector by sector. Let's say they were going along the fence perimeter and picking [the people] from here to there: Off you go into the cart…
QUESTION: Did this take place in the morning?
ANSWER: No, it took place toward evening…
QUESTION: Yefim Davidovich, how did your family perish? What happened on that day?
ANSWER: On that day, I myself was in the ghetto, rather than away on an errand. Our sector was combed, and [people] were taken away in carts.
QUESTION: Did this, too, happen in the evening?
ANSWER: It happened toward the evening.
QUESTION: What month was it?
ANSWER: It was in October.
QUESTION: Was it already cold?
ANSWER: Yes, it was quite cold.
QUESTION: Did the Germans surround that sector?
ANSWER: Yes, the Germans surrounded it.
QUESTION: Did you realize what was going to happen to you?
ANSWER: We already knew that they were shooting [people].
QUESTION: How many people were surrounded at that time?
ANSWER: I cannot say exactly, but it was about 150-200 people.
QUESTION: Was the cart full of people?
ANSWER: Yes, the carts, there was more than one cart, I did not count them, but there were many carts. We were taken to the shooting site.
QUESTION: Was it far from Vitebsk?
ANSWER: No, it was in the city itself, in the city itself. There was a ravine with a trench dug in it.
QUESTION: Did local residents see you being driven there?
ANSWER: Yes, they saw it. We were taken across the bridge [?].
QUESTION: Do you remember their reaction?
ANSWER: Well, the reaction was…How should I put it? People would stop to watch. Many stopped to watch – and, by the way, some of them were laughing. I saw it clearly. After all, you know that, at such moments, you are not making an effort to memorize anything; you are only guessing.
QUESTION: Did you sit beside you mother in the cart?
ANSWER: Yes, beside my mother.
QUESTION: Did she say anything?
ANSWER: She mostly cried, mostly cried.
QUESTION: What happened after your arrival [at the murder site]?
ANSWER: We were herded on foot toward that spot, into the ravine, since the carts could not go up there.
QUESTION: Were you forced to strip naked?
ANSWER: No. We were not forced to strip naked. There wasn't anything to strip, since we were dressed only in rags.
QUESTION: Was it already dark?
ANSWER: Well, it was semi-dark, a kind of semi-darkness. Briefly, we were lined up in three columns – or,rather, in three rows. My mother was standing in front, hiding me behind her back. [She told me]: "Shvayg, zunele, shvayg; shvayg, zunele, shvayg" [Be silent, sonny, be silent]. I was silent, and she kept crying and hiding me. And then [unclear, is crying], sorry… I felt a push… fell down together with all the others…
QUESTION: Was the ravine deep?
ANSWER: There was a trench.The ravine itself was large, and there was also a trench. My mother fell upon me, I must say that I was not even scratched, while mother was already dead. I lay there.
QUESTION: How long did you lie?
ANSWER: I lay there for about an hour and a half, maybe even two hours, I do not know. I had lost all sense of time, but it was already dark when I crawled out from beneath the bodies.
QUESTION: Were you able to breathe as you lay there for four hours [?], or were you suffocating?
ANSWER: No, I was not suffocating. There was enough air, since we were not covered with earth, not buried.
QUESTION: Did you see your mother while you were crawling out or…?
ANSWER: I did, of course. She lay over me…
QUESTION: She had covered you with her body, had she not?
ANSWER: Yes, she'd covered me with her body…
QUESTION: Do you know whether you were the only survivor of that day of shooting, or were there others like [you]?
ANSWER: This I do not know. This I do not know… Well, I crawled out, cried for a while…
QUESTION: Were there no guards there?
QUESTION: The bodies appear to have been buried on the next day, right?
ANSWER: The bodies there were not buried at all, because new bodies were brought on the next day.
QUESTION: You mean the new victims.
ANSWER: Yes, the new victims.
QUESTION: Where did you go?
ANSWER: I went to the river, to the stream, as I was completely drenched in blood. I washed myself…
USC SHOAH FOUNDATION, 31115 copy YVA O.93 / 31115
Ilovskiy Ravine
Murder Site
Belorussia (USSR)
The Ilovskiy Ravine, a mass-murder site of the Jews of Vitebsk. Photographer: Alexander Litin, 2018.