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Murder Story of Vitebsk Jews at the Ulanov Hill in the Mazurino Area

Murder Site
Ulanov Hill
Belorussia (USSR)
Ulanov Hill, a murder site of the Jews of Vitebsk. Photographer: 	Alexander Litin, 2018.
Ulanov Hill, a murder site of the Jews of Vitebsk. Photographer: Alexander Litin, 2018.
YVA, Photo Collection, 14614589
In late July 1941, the German occupying authorities rounded up approximately 300 young and physically strong Jewish men, gave them tools, and led them to the Ulanov Hill, near the village of Mazurino, a short distance north of Vitebsk (the present-day Mazurino Cemetery inside the city). There, the Jews were shot dead, allegedly for arson. This massacre appears to have been perpetrated by members of Einsatzkommando 9 of Einsatzgruppe B.
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From "The Vitebsk Ghetto", an article by Mikhail Ryvkin and Arkadi Shulman
…The Ulanov Hill (near the present-day "Druzhba" cemetery) became the site of another mass shooting. I. Karpenko, a prewar resident of Ulanov, tells: "There were trenches near Chornaya Luzha. They had been dug by soldiers before the war. Jews were brought here by vehicle and shot in these trenches. I saw it myself. I was a little boy at that time. Later, human skulls and hair could be seen there." According to various pieces of evidence, about 3,000 Jews were shot in the Ulanov Hill area.
Vitsbichi, October 30, 1993 (Russian)
Ulanov Hill
Murder Site
Belorussia (USSR)
Ulanov Hill, a murder site of the Jews of Vitebsk. Photographer: 	Alexander Litin, 2018.
Ulanov Hill, a murder site of the Jews of Vitebsk. Photographer: Alexander Litin, 2018.
YVA, Photo Collection, 14614589