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Murder Story of Lubieszów Jews at the Lubieszów Synagogue

Murder Site
On the eve of the final liquidation of the ghetto in early November (or late November, according to the ChGK document) the Germans and Ukrainian auxiliary police tightened the guard around the ghetto and repaired any holes found in the barbed-wire fence. The next day several dozen Jewish artisans and family members were taken to the synagogue building in the ghetto, where one of the Jews, a refugee from Warsaw named Machmendler, threw himself at Fritz Michaelis, the Gebietskommissar, and managed to wound him in the throat with a knife. As a result, Machmendler and several other Jews were killed in the synagogue. The remaining Jews were shot to death near the synagogue.
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From the testimony of D. Epstein, who was living in the town of Lubieszów during its German occupation
תעוד הוועדה הממלכתית המיוחדת לחקר פשעי הנאצים בברית המועצות, 1943-1945 על פשעים שבוצעו באזורים OLYKA, KAMIEN KOSZYRSKI, LUBIESZOW, PORYCK ו-ROZYSZCZE, מחוז WOLHYN
… Afterward, at night, the Gebietskommissar [Fritz Michaelis], together with [Ukrainian auxiliary] policemen and Gestapo men, who arrived in the town of Lubieszów from Kamień Koszyrski, surrounded the ghetto and at one o'clock at night as many as up 200 Jews were taken under guard to the synagogue, where they were stripped naked and … abused. Afterward, the Gebietskommissar read aloud a document stating that the Jewish people didn't exist any longer since they all had been annihilated. At that moment a dentist, I don't remember his last name, attacked the Gebietskommissar and wounded him seriously in the throat with a razor; the dentist was killed [on the spot] by blows from [weapon] butts…. Others [other Jews] were shot to death between 9 and 10 a.m. on November 25-30, 1942.
GARF, MOSCOW R-7021-55-11 copy YVA M.33 / JM/19691
From the testimony of Grigorii Gorshyar, who was born in 1893 in Lubieszów and was living there during its German occupation
תעוד הוועדה הממלכתית המיוחדת לחקר פשעי הנאצים בברית המועצות, 1943-1945 על פשעים שבוצעו באזורים OLYKA, KAMIEN KOSZYRSKI, LUBIESZOW, PORYCK ו-ROZYSZCZE, מחוז WOLHYN
… Afterward, [i.e. on November 25-30, 1942], the Gebietskommissar [Fritz Michealis] arrived with Gestapo men. They surrounded the ghetto and then took [the Jews] under guard to the synagogue, where the Gebietskommissar read a statement claiming that the Jewish population no longer existed: they had been annihilated. While he was uttering these words… a dentist attacked the Gebietskommissar with a razor, wounding him in the throat. The Gestapo took revenge in the synagogue, killed him [the attacker] by striking him with weapon butts; they also killed as many as 10 people there. As many as 300 other people [Jews] were shot to death outside the synagogue. …
GARF, MOSCOW R-7021-55-11 copy YVA M.33 / JM/19691
The ChGK report from Lubieszów
תעוד הוועדה הממלכתית המיוחדת לחקר פשעי הנאצים בברית המועצות, 1943-1945 על פשעים שבוצעו באזורים OLYKA, KAMIEN KOSZYRSKI, LUBIESZOW, PORYCK ו-ROZYSZCZE, מחוז WOLHYN
… On November 25-30, 1942 the Gebietskommissar [of Kamień Koszyrski] [Fritz] Michaelis arrived again in the town of Lubieszów and 295 [Jews] were shot to death in the middle of the fenced-off ghetto.… The committee also established that the main perpetrators of the mass annihilation of the [Jewish] residents of Lubieszów County were the Gebietskommissar of Kamień Koszyrski Michaelis and his accomplices, Ukrainian auxiliary policemen….
GARF, MOSCOW R-7021-55-11 copy YVA M.33 / JM/19691
The ChGK report from Lubieszów
תעוד הוועדה הממלכתית המיוחדת לחקר פשעי הנאצים בברית המועצות, 1943-1945 על פשעים שבוצעו באזורים OLYKA, KAMIEN KOSZYRSKI, LUBIESZOW, PORYCK ו-ROZYSZCZE, מחוז WOLHYN
We, the undersigned…. established [the following]: 2. … that… the annihilation of the civilians on the territory of Lubieszów County was carried out under the leadership of the Gebietskommissar of Kamień Koszyrski [Fritz] Michaelis and his accomplices…. 3. … the mass annihilation of the civilians on the territory of Lubieszów County was carried out by the German Fascist occupiers and their accomplices at different times and in different locations, namely: … [on] November 25, 1942 in the town (ghetto) of Lubieszów….
GARF, MOSCOW R-7021-55-11 copy YVA M.33 / JM/19691
Murder Site