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Murder Story of Lubieszów Jews in the Lubieszów Ghetto

Murder Site
On August 10 (or 15, according to the ChGK report), 1942, on the orders of the Gebietskommissar Fritz Michaelis all the inmates of the ghetto were driven to the main square of the ghetto. During the selection that was carried out a group of artisans with their families was given work permits and taken out of the ghetto. The remaining Jews were collected in the synagogue building, but some of them tried to escape and were subsequently shot to death inside the ghetto. According to one testimony, after the murder the Jewish artisans were ordered to bury those murdered and to put aside their clothes. The Germans took the best clothes for themselves, while the rest were sold to Ukrainian auxiliary policemen and, apparently, to some members of the local population.
Related Resources
ChGK Soviet Reports from Lubieszów
תעוד הוועדה הממלכתית המיוחדת לחקר פשעי הנאצים בברית המועצות, 1943-1945 על פשעים שבוצעו באזורים OLYKA, KAMIEN KOSZYRSKI, LUBIESZOW, PORYCK ו-ROZYSZCZE, מחוז WOLHYN
On August 15, 1942 the Gebietskommissar of Kamień Koszyrski [Fritz] Michaelis arrived in the town of Lubieszów, together with 85 [men] from the Gestapo, the Gendarmerie, the [Ukrainian auxiliary] police. They surrounded the ghetto, and began to murder the Jews. On that day, August 15, 1942, as many as 2,230 Jewish civilians were shot to death or killed by being struck with weapon butts, in different locations,[including] in the ghetto itself. … The committee also established that the main perpetrators of the mass annihilation of the [Jewish] residents of Lubieszów County were the Gebietskommissar of Kamień Koszyrski Michaelis and his accomplices, Ukrainian auxiliary policemen….
GARF, MOSCOW R-7021-55-11 copy YVA M.33 / JM/19691
ChGK Soviet Reports from Lubieszów
תעוד הוועדה הממלכתית המיוחדת לחקר פשעי הנאצים בברית המועצות, 1943-1945 על פשעים שבוצעו באזורים OLYKA, KAMIEN KOSZYRSKI, LUBIESZOW, PORYCK ו-ROZYSZCZE, מחוז WOLHYN
We, the undersigned… established [the following]: 2. … that… the annihilation of civilians on the territory of Lubieszów County was carried out under the leadership of the Gebietskommissar of Kamień Koszyrski [Fritz] Michaelis and his accomplices…. 3. … the mass annihilation of civilians on the territory of Lubieszów County was carried out by the German Fascist occupiers and their accomplices at different times and in different locations, namely: … [on] August 15, 1942 in the town of Lubieszów….
GARF, MOSCOW R-7021-55-11 copy YVA M.33 / JM/19691
From the testimony of Grigorii Gorshyar, who was born in 1893 in Lubieszów and was living there during its German occupation
תעוד הוועדה הממלכתית המיוחדת לחקר פשעי הנאצים בברית המועצות, 1943-1945 על פשעים שבוצעו באזורים OLYKA, KAMIEN KOSZYRSKI, LUBIESZOW, PORYCK ו-ROZYSZCZE, מחוז WOLHYN
… On August 5 [15], 1941 Gebietskommissar [Fritz Michaelis] arrived with up to 85 Cossacks [i.e. Ukrainian auxiliary] policemen from Kamień Koszyrski, surrounded the ghetto, and ordered all [the inmates] to collect at the square … where all of them were called out according to a list, artisans without children, [were put] on one side, the remaining Jews -- on the other, the artisans were sent [to the workshop] separately, while the reprisal began against the others, who were murdered, i.e. some of them being killed at the square, others - in vegetable gardens, etc.. There were as many as 280 [killed]….
GARF, MOSCOW R-7021-55-11 copy YVA M.33 / JM/19691
From the testimony of Sarah Druker, who was born in 1915 in the village near Lubieszów and was living in the town during its German occupation
תעוד הוועדה הממלכתית המיוחדת לחקר פשעי הנאצים בברית המועצות, 1943-1945 על פשעים שבוצעו באזורים OLYKA, KAMIEN KOSZYRSKI, LUBIESZOW, PORYCK ו-ROZYSZCZE, מחוז WOLHYN
… On August ? [illegible], 1942 the Gebietskommissar [Fritz Michaelis], together with Gestapo men, arrived in Lubieszów "for work." They drove all the Jews [i.e. inmates of the ghetto] to the square, surrounded by the [Ukrainian auxiliary] policemen, with 10 meters distance between one [policeman] and the other, and began to call out people's names and give them laissez-passer [i.e. work permits]. 186 [qualified] workers got such laissez-passer and were taken out of the ghetto to the workshop; the others were taken to the large premises of the synagogue. People anticipated their ]imminent] death and began to escape, then the struggle began. The [Ukrainian] policemen who surrounded [the square] returned to the ghetto and, together with the Gestapo men, quickly shot people who were falling like trees [cut down] in a forest.… I was among those [qualified] workers who were left [alive] as workers in the workshop. When we were taken from the workshop there was a large pit in the ghetto that was lightly covered with earth and over one hundred people who fell in this fight at the square were in it. Gendarmerie men ordered [Jewish] men to strip the bodies… to clean the synagogue and to put in order all the clothes as if they were going to be stored. From this "store" the Germans took the best clothes for themselves, the other [clothes] they sold to their people [i.e. accomplices].…
GARF, MOSCOW R-7021-55-11 copy YVA M.33 / JM/19691