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Murder story of Lubieszów Jews in the Wólka-Lubiesziwska Forest

Murder Site
Lubieszowska Wólka Area
On August 10 or 15, 1942, after a selection at the ghetto square, a large group of Jews, including many women with children, was taken to the forest near the village of Wólka-Lubiesziwska, where they were shot to death, apparently by an SD unit from Brześć nad Bugiem.
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From the testimony of Grigorii Gorshyar, who was born in 1893 in Lubieszów and was living there during its German occupation
תעוד הוועדה הממלכתית המיוחדת לחקר פשעי הנאצים בברית המועצות, 1943-1945 על פשעים שבוצעו באזורים OLYKA, KAMIEN KOSZYRSKI, LUBIESZOW, PORYCK ו-ROZYSZCZE, מחוז WOLHYN
… On August 5 [15], 1941 the Gebietskommissar [Fritz Michaelis] arrived with as many as 85 Cossacks [i.e. Ukrainian auxiliary] policemen from Kamień Koszyrski, had the ghetto surrounded, and ordered all [the inmates] to collect at the square … where all of them were called according to a list. Artisans without children, [were put] to one side, the remaining Jews --to the other. The artisans were sent [to the workshop] separately, while the others .... were taken toward [the village] of Wólka-Lubieszowska, where in a pine fores as many as 500-600 [sic] people were shot to death.
GARF, MOSCOW R-7021-55-11 copy YVA M.33 / JM/19691
The ChGK report from Lubieszów
תעוד הוועדה הממלכתית המיוחדת לחקר פשעי הנאצים בברית המועצות, 1943-1945 על פשעים שבוצעו באזורים OLYKA, KAMIEN KOSZYRSKI, LUBIESZOW, PORYCK ו-ROZYSZCZE, מחוז WOLHYN
On August 15, 1942 the Gebietskommissar of Kamień Koszyrski [Fritz] Michaelis arrived in the town of Lubieszów, together with 85 [men] from the Gestapo, the Gendarmerie, and the [Ukrainian auxiliary] police. They surrounded the ghetto, and began to murder the Jews. On that day, August 15, 1942, as many as 2,230 Jewish civilians were shot to death or killed by being struck with weapon butts, in different locations, [including] a pine forest about 700 meters from the town of Lubieszów… The committee also established that the main perpetrators of the mass annihilation of the [Jewish] residents of Lubieszów County were the Gebietskommissar of Kamień Koszyrski Michaelis and his accomplices, Ukrainian auxiliary policemen….
GARF, MOSCOW R-7021-55-11 copy YVA M.33 / JM/19691
Lubieszowska Wólka Area
Murder Site