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Murder Story of Vinnitsa Jews at the Vinnitsa POW Camp

Murder Site
Ukraine (USSR)
Several hundred Soviet Jewish prisoners of war who were held in the Vinnitsa POW camp in the military barracks area and wounded Jewish prisoners who had been brought to the camp from the hospital for POWs were shot in the POW camp in the fall of 1941.
Related Resources
The Story of M. Sheyman, Former Prisoner of War:
…In the camp at Vinnitsa during the first days of October, 1941, the Germans shot 378 Jews.
Ehrenburg, Ilya and Grossman, Wassili. The black book : the ruthless murder of Jews by German-Fascist invaders throughout the temporarily-occupied regions of the Soviet Union and in the death camps of Poland during the war of 1941-1945 . New York : Holocaust Library, 1981, p. 513.
War Prisoners' camp
Murder Site
Ukraine (USSR)