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Murder story of Vinnitsa Jews in the Vinnitsa Mental Asylum

Murder Site
Vinnitsa Mental Asylum
Ukraine (USSR)
Between September and November 1941 about 500 Jewish patients of the mental asylum in Vinnitsa were shot in the asylum's courtyard or killed by lethal injections.
Related Resources
Excerpt from the Testimony of Alexei Denisyuk:
תעוד הוועדה הממלכתית המיוחדת לחקר פשעי הנאצים בברית המועצות, 1945-1943 על פשעים שבוצעו בעיר ובאזור VINNITSA, מחוז VINNITSA, אוקראינה
QUESTION: What do you know about the shooting and killing [by lethal injection] of the patients of the mental asylum during the German occupation of Vinnitsa? If you know something, name those guilty of this brutal atrocity. ANSWER: Regarding the killing [by lethal injection] and the shooting of the patients of the mental asylum I can tell only about my ward, where I worked as a ward manager. When the Germans arrived our ward had 116 patients. Out of those, 36 Jewish patients were taken in two groups to the city and shot there by Germans. About 20 Jews were killed at the asylum by poison injected into the veins of their arms. All this was carried out in September 1941.
GARF, MOSCOW R-7021-54-1341 copy YVA M.33 / JM/19942
Excerpt from the Testimony of Efrem Got:
תעוד הוועדה הממלכתית המיוחדת לחקר פשעי הנאצים בברית המועצות, 1945-1943 על פשעים שבוצעו בעיר ובאזור VINNITSA, מחוז VINNITSA, אוקראינה
QUESTION: Tell us how the number of patients of mental asylum was reduced. ANSWER: Upon the arrival of the Germans in the city of Vinnitsa the number of patients [of the mental asylum] was about 1,000. In October 1941 an order of the Gestapo was given to start murdering the Jewish patients and a period of 15 days was given for this. The Gestapo phrased the matter thus: either we would exterminate them ourselves or they would take them and shoot them. The asylum's manager Lukyanenko and head physician Chernomorets instructed the medical attendants to start killing the Jewish patents by the injection of a poisonous material, a 5 % solution of cyanide oxide, into their veins. In that way about 400 patients were killed in 15 days. After the 15-days term had expired, Gestapo men arrived at the asylum and shot the rest of the patients who had not yet had the poisonous material injected into their veins in the period allocated for that. A total of 412 patients were shot or killed [via lethal injections] during the first days…
GARF, MOSCOW R-7021-54-1341 copy YVA M.33 / JM/19942
Excerpt from the Testimony of Mariia Sukhodolskaya:
תעוד הוועדה הממלכתית המיוחדת לחקר פשעי הנאצים בברית המועצות, 1945-1943 על פשעים שבוצעו בעיר ובאזור VINNITSA, מחוז VINNITSA, אוקראינה
…I know that about 500 Jewish patients were shot by the German-Fascist occupiers in the mental asylum between September and November 1941…
GARF, MOSCOW R-7021-54-1341 copy YVA M.33 / JM/19942
From the Statement of Psychiatrist Tatyana Fisher about German atrocities in Vinnitsa:
תעוד הוועדה הממלכתית המיוחדת לחקר פשעי הנאצים בברית המועצות, 1945-1943 על פשעים שבוצעו בעיר ובאזור VINNITSA, מחוז VINNITSA, אוקראינה
…At the same time [in October 1941], on orders of the German authorities, the Jews who were being treated in the mental asylum were shot and buried in the asylum's cemetery…
GARF, MOSCOW R-7021-54-1341 copy YVA M.33 / JM/19942
Vinnitsa Mental Asylum
Murder Site
Ukraine (USSR)