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Murder Story of Aleksandrja Jews on the Bank of the Horyn River in Aleksandrja

Murder Site
Horyn River Bank
On July 31, 1941 a Security Police and SD unit from Równe arrived in Alexandria. Its members, assisted by the Ukrainian auxiliary police, caught Jewish males (along with some pro-Soviet activists) on the streets and at the workplaces. After being caught, 85 Jewish men were loaded onto trucks and taken to the bank of Horyn River. Upon their arrival to the shooting site, the victims had to get off from the trucks and were shot by a squad of the Security Police and SD from Równe. According to a testimony, after the mass shooting of Aleksandria's Jews in Svyattya Forest on September 23, 1942, Germans together with Ukrainian auxiliary police combed the town and its vicinity for hiding Jews. About 100 Jews who had been caught were taken to the bank of the Horyn River and shot there by a German unit.
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From the diary of Shalom Golani, who was born in 1923 and lived in Aleksandrja during the war years:
July 31 [1941] … Today several trucks with Germans arrived [in Aleksandria]. They scattered over the streets of the town and every Jewish male who passed the street was ordered to get onto the truck. It was easy to differentiate between a Jew and a non-Jew since the yellow patch decree had been fully implemented. When [Germans] hadn't succeed to fill the trucks with the passers-by on the streets, they drove to the organized workplaces where Jews worked. The came [also] to a peat quarry and they collected all the Jewish workers at the railroad station, where Jews worked in loading and unloading [of peat] – they all were loaded onto trucks. Among others who were collected to those death trucks were Israel Sudovitser, my best friend, who worked with me at the peat [quarry] … Drechtel and Faivel, his son; Shavtai Drechtel, Volf Brazov, Benjamin Veisman and many others. They were taken far away from the town, were ordered to get off the trucks and were shot. …
Nathan Livneh and Shemu'el Israeli, eds.: Book of remembrance of the community of Alexandrija (Vaad yotsei Aleksandria b'yisrael, Tel Aviv, 1972) p. 207 (Hebrew).
Rivka Shperberg - Tsavik, who lived in Aleksandrja during the war years, testified:
… And one Friday [i.e. July 31, 1941], in the morning, lot of Ukrainian [auxiliary] policemen and German soldiers came and collected people from [their] workplaces [by loading them] onto the trucks and brought them to the Horyn River Bank and shot them there. There were 85 [Jewish] victims, among them my grandfather Yosef and my uncle Faibish, my aunt Pesia and Batia, the daughter of Sarah Golda and her husband. …
Nathan Livneh and Shemu'el Israeli, eds.: Book of remembrance of the community of Alexandrija (Vaad yotsei Aleksandria b'yisrael, Tel Aviv, 1972) p. 246 (Hebrew).
Horyn River Bank
Murder Site