On October 24, 1942, there took place the killing of the several dozen remaining professionals (along with their families) despite their "secure" certificates. These inmates of the skilled workers' ghetto were collected on Rybnaia Street and taken by truck to Szibiena Hura. Upon their arrival at the murder site, they were forced to undress and to lie facedown in groups in pits, where they were shot to death in the back of the head. This shooting was carried out with machine-guns and pistols. Once again the Germans confiscated the clothing of their victims. According to the ChGK document, during these two murder operations, Hungarian forces joined the German ones in carrying out the shootings.
Gebietskommissar (regional commissar) of Dubno Werner Brocks and the head of the Dubno Gendarmerie Papke both headed and participated in those two murder operations.