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Murder Story of Poryck Jews at the Przesławicze Camp

Murder Site
Przesławicze Camp
On September 1, 1942 most of Poryck's Jews, mainly women and children, were taken from the ghetto to a camp (near the village of Przesławicze) that was surrounded with barbed wire, about 3 kilometers from the town. On the way to the camp the Ukrainian policemen beat them and stabbed them with bayonets, killing anyone who fell down. At this camp the Jews were held for three days in the open air without food or drink and were brutally beaten and abused by the Ukrainian guards. About 300 Jews, including many infants, died under these conditions or were shot in the camp during the process of abuse.
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From the testimony of Sonia Rubinsztein, who was born in 1924 in Poryck and was living there during its German occupation
[On September 1, 1942] all the Jewish population [that remained] was expelled from Poryck. Following [the column of Jews] were Ukrainians [auxiliary policemen] who beat [the Jews] with sticks Thus, all the way we went we were accompanied [also] by those ... who were severely wounded and who soon would be shot to death. In this way we were all taken to the "folwark" [farm] that is called Pszeslawicze, located 3 kilometers from Poryck. The farm was fenced in with barbed wire. We were sitting under the open sky on the ground, children apart and adults apart. All of us were mercilessly beaten. … Nor were we given any food or drink. The children, who were separated from their parents, were screaming terribly. They were left as they were on the ground. One can not describe the despair that enveloped us. The panic became stronger when the mothers began walking around crazed when they saw the end that had come for their children. All this lasted for 3 days, and the whole place was full of dead [bodies] scattered all around. 300 Jews were murdered [in this way]…
YVA M.1 / 1494.1
Przesławicze Camp
Murder Site