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Murder story of Wyzwa Nowa Jews in the Czewel Forest

Murder Site
Czewel Area
According to one testimony, on August 22, on the eve of the liquidation of the ghetto, its inmates set many buildings on fire to distract the Ukrainian auxiliary policemen who were guarding the ghetto and to run away. Several dozen succeeded in escaping, but they were later caught by Ukrainian auxiliary policemen and shot to death. The next day the remaining Jews of the town were shot to death in the forest near Czewel village, apparently by a German unit.
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From the testimony of Boris Geller, who was born in 1924 in Nowa Wyżwa and was living there during the German occupation
… Several days afterward we learned about the shooting of the Jews from our town. The Jews of our town set the town on fire to distract the [Ukrainian] guards -- in order to enable several Jews to escape. Several dozen people managed to run away, but they were caught by Ukrainian nationalists [i.e. Ukrainian auxiliary policemen] in different places and were murdered on the spot. My relatives, the whole Langer family [and the remaining Jews of the town] were killed in the forest near Czewel village. …
YVA O.33 / 1461
Czewel Area
Murder Site