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Wyzwa Nowa

Wyzwa Nowa
Jews resided in Wyżwa from the mid-16th century. After the Brest Litowsk-Kowel railroad was built at the end of the 19th century, a train station was opened in Wyżwa. The new settlement around the area of the railroad station, that received the name Novaya Vyzhva, attracted many Jews, thus causing the Jewish population to grow steadily.

After World War I the town was incorporated into the independent Polish state and from that time the town was known as Wyżwa Nowa. During the interwar years the 400 Jews in the town comprised 20 percent of its total population. The Jews were mostly artisans, craftsmen, or petty merchants. Several Jews owned flour mills. In September 1939, with the arrival of the Red Army, following the Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact, Wyżwa Nowa became part of Soviet Ukraine.

The Germans occupied Wyżwa Nowa on June 27, 1941. Shortly afterward, the Jews were ordered to wear armbands with a blue Star of David. The livestock and many basic possessions of the local Jews were confiscated. A curfew between seven in the evening and seven in the morning was imposed on the Jews. They were also taken for forced labor. Apparently during this time, a Judenrat (Jewish council) headed by Yefim Langer, was appointed. On August 5, 1941 260 Jewish residents of Wyżwa Nowa were murdered near the town of Maciejów. In September and December 1941 the Germans demanded that the Jews pay heavy ransoms. The Jewish community was able to hand over the full amount the first time. In the summer of 1942 the town's remaining Jews and those from nearby villages were forced to live together, apparently in an open ghetto. On August 23 of that year all these Jews were murdered outside the town, in the forest near Czewel village. On the eve of the liquidation of the ghetto, some of its residents set many buildings on fire, enabling dozens of Jews to escape. However, only a few survived.

Nowa Wyżwa was liberated by the Red Army on July 18, 1944.

Wyzwa Nowa
Kowel District
Wolyn Region
Poland (today Nova Vyzhva
Last Name First Name Year of Birth Place of Residence Fate
Akerman Abram 1910 Nowa Wizwa, Poland murdered
Akerman Dbora 1913 Nowa Wizwa, Poland murdered
Akerman Ichil 1913 Nowa Wizwa, Poland murdered
Barg Brko 1883 Nowa Wyzwa, Poland murdered
Barg Szlomo 1915 Nowa Wizwa, Poland murdered
Berg Batja 1920 Nowa Wizwa, Poland murdered
Bialer Nowa Wizwa, Poland murdered
Bialer Roza 1913 Wyzwa Nowa, Poland murdered
Bialer Sheiva 1940 Wyzwa Nowa, Poland murdered
Bialer Yitzkhak Wyzwa Nowa, Poland murdered
Bjm Boim Jenta 1900 Nowa Wizwa, Poland murdered
Bjm Bom Pinchs 1920 Wyzwa Nowa, Poland murdered
Bjm Bom Wiktor Avigdor 1922 Nowa Wizwa, Poland murdered
Boim Pinkhas 1924 Novaya Vyzhva, Poland murdered
Boim Roizia Roiza Novaya Vyzhva, Poland murdered
Boim Rokhel Feiga 1920 Novaya Vyzhva, Poland murdered
Boim Viktor 1926 Novaya Vyzhva, Poland murdered
Boim Yenta Novaya Vyzhva, Poland murdered
Bojmel Batya 1905 Nowa Wizwa, Poland murdered
Bojmel Simcha 1903 Nowa Wyzwa, Poland murdered
Debert Abel 1873 Nowa Wyzwa, Poland murdered
Debert Chaim 1914 Nowa Wyzwa, Poland murdered
Debert Riwka Lea V 1883 Nowa Wizwa, Poland murdered
Debert Sara 1916 Nowa Wyzwa, Poland murdered
Debert Zisla 1920 Wyzwa Nowa, Poland murdered
Debrt Brajndl 1918 Nowa Wyzwa, Poland murdered
Diner Dener Ester 1919 Nowa Wyzwa, Poland murdered
Diner Dener Leja 1914 Nowa Wizwa, Poland murdered
Diner Dener Szlomo 1913 Wyzwa Nowa, Poland murdered
Eker Beila 1928 Novaya Vyzhva, Poland murdered
Eker Boris 1930 Novaya Vyzhva, Poland murdered
Eker David 1926 Novaya Vyzhva, Poland murdered
Eker Inshel 1924 Novaya Vyzhva, Poland murdered
Eker Malka 1934 Novaya Vyzhva, Poland murdered
Eker Nekha Novaya Vyzhva, Poland murdered
Eker Shlomo Novaya Vyzhva, Poland murdered
Eker Yosef 1932 Novaya Vyzhva, Poland murdered
Eker Aker Jidke 1902 Wyzwa, Poland murdered
Eker Aker Haker Ben Cijon 1880 Nowa Wyzwa, Poland murdered
Eker Aker Haker Ester 1920 Wyzwa Nowa, Poland murdered
Eker Aker Haker Jeszua 1913 Nowa Wyzwa, Poland murdered
Eker Aker Haker Lja 1888 Nowa Wyzwa, Poland murdered
Eker Aker Haker Malka 1920 Wyzwa Nowa, Poland murdered
Ekr Heker Szulem 1918 Nowa Wyzwa, Poland murdered
Fuks Chana Marim 1870 Nowa Wyzwa, Poland murdered
Geler Jakow 1885 Nowa Wyzwa, Poland murdered
Geler Mordchai Zajnwel 1898 Nowa Wyzwa, Poland murdered
Geler Rejzel 1920 Nowa Wyzwa, Poland murdered
Geller Aizik 1910 Novaya Vyzhva, Poland murdered
Geller David 1926 Novaya Vyzhva, Poland murdered