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Murder story of Zvenigorodka Jews in the Gubskiy Forest

Murder Site
Gubskiy Forest
Ukraine (USSR)
Mass grave of the inmates of the Nemorozh and Smilchintsy camps who were murdered in late 1942 in the Gubskiy Forest
Mass grave of the inmates of the Nemorozh and Smilchintsy camps who were murdered in late 1942 in the Gubskiy Forest
Lo Tishkakh Foundation, Copy YVA 14616352
Early in November 1942 about 150 Jews who were taken from Zvenigorodka and from other localities to the Nemorozh labor camp (located 5 kilometers northwest of Zvenigorodka) and about 50 Jewish inmates of the Smilchintsy labor camp (further north) were taken to the Gubskiy Forest, a huge forest on the border between Zvenigorodka and Lysyanka Counties (north of Nemorozh and south of Smilchintsy), where they were forced to strip naked and then shot to death in small groups at a pit that had been prepared there. The perpetrators were apparently members of the German Security or Order Police and local auxiliary policemen.
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From the Memoirs of Tatyana Shnayder:
…On November 2, 1942 the inmates of Nemorozh camp were driven to Gubskiy Forest (Cold Ravine). Here a pit was dug at the edge of the forest. Several people escaped during the shooting, [then] the enraged Fascists and drunken auxiliary policemen came to Smilchintsy concentration camp, selected a group of men and teenagers, and ordered them to take with them pickaxes and shovels for some urgent work. My father and my brother (13 years old) were among those selected. Afterward, all the camp [inmates] were lined up and every tenth person was selected and ordered to be, in an hour, at the junction of Nemorozh-Smilchintsy roads. I too was in this group of ten that was being guarded. When we approached the forest, we heard shooting. A truck showed up on the road and the men sitting in it warned us that people were being shot there and it was senseless to go there [since] they [the executioners] were not going to leave any witnesses.…
YVA O.33 / 3352
From the Testimony of Nakhum Olshanskiy:
...In November, after we were taken back from work, a large German vehicle arrived and the older men and women (since there were no elderly people there) were loaded onto the vehicle. Fifty persons were put on them. Q[estion]: Was this in November 1942? A[snwer]: [19]42, yes…My brother too was taken away at that time, in November, when fifty people were selected. They were taken, as we learned later, to the forest, to the Gubskiy Forest. This is between Smilchentsy and Nemorozh. Q: Are they in the same county? A: No, Nemorozh is in Zvenigorodka County, and Smilchentsy in Lysyanka County. This forest was between Nemorozh and Smilchentsy, it was not far away. They had to strip off their clothes there and were shot; their clothes were brought to us that night. When they brought us the clothes, we understood that they were no longer alive….
YVA O.3 / 5161
Gubskiy Forest
Murder Site
Ukraine (USSR)
Mass grave of the inmates of the Nemorozh and Smilchintsy camps who were murdered in late 1942 in the Gubskiy Forest
Mass grave of the inmates of the Nemorozh and Smilchintsy camps who were murdered in late 1942 in the Gubskiy Forest
Lo Tishkakh Foundation, Copy YVA 14616352