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Murder Story of Zvenigorodka Jews in Lapteva Levada

Murder Site
Lapteva Levada
Ukraine (USSR)
Murder site of the male Jews from Zvenigorodka
Murder site of the male Jews from Zvenigorodka
Lo Tishkakh Foundation, Copy YVA 14616350
In September 1941 about 100 Jewish men and teenage boys from Zvenigorodka were collected, ostensibly for work but, according to eyewitnesses, they were taken to Lapteva Levada (a meadow a short distance east of Zvenigorodka), where they were shot to death by members of Einsatzgruppe C.
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From the Memoirs of Liubov Krasilovskaya:
...The shootings started. The men (mostly of advanced age) were taken away, supposedly to work, but nobody ever saw them again. Eyewitnesses said that they were taken outside the town to the so-called “Laptevа Levada,” where they were humiliated, castrated, and then shot to death....
YVA O.33 / 3379
Lapteva Levada
Murder Site
Ukraine (USSR)
Murder site of the male Jews from Zvenigorodka
Murder site of the male Jews from Zvenigorodka
Lo Tishkakh Foundation, Copy YVA 14616350