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Murder story of Plodovitoye Jews in the Plodovitoye Ravine

Murder Site
Plodovitoye Area
Russia (USSR)
100 families of evacuees, most of them Jewish, were detained by the Germans in the area of Plodovitoye village. The Jews were loaded onto trucks, supposedly to be taken home [their original homes]. In fact, the victims were taken outside the village toward a ravine located 50 meters south of the village. There the victims were shot or probably severely wounded and then doused with some highly inflammable liquid and then set on fire. Thus, 80 Jewish families were annihilated.
Related Resources
Soviet Reports from Kadino
תעוד של הוועדה הממלכתית המיוחדת לחקר פשעי הנאצים בברית המועצות מהשנים 1943-1942 על רדיפות ורצח יהודים ב- Kalmykia
The Fascists captured 100 evacuated families (mostly Jews). The Fascists loaded all the captured - evacuated people onto trucks on the pretext of returning them to their hometowns. They took them out of the village to a ravine 80 [not clear] meters south of the village and there carried out the brutal shooting of the women, men, and children. They did not shoot them all to death but [only wounded them] and poured some fast burning liquid onto them and quickly burned their bodies to ashes. Thus, the Fascist cannibals shot to death and burned to ashes 80 families (240 people). Altogether, the Fascists burned or shot to death 320 [not clear, apparently "members"] of the evacuated population.
NARK, ELISTA R-68-1-29 copy YVA M.62 / 85
Plodovitoye Area
Murder Site
Russia (USSR)