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Murder story of Koryukovka Jews in the Dinning Hall in Koryukovka

Murder Site
Dinning Hall in Koryukovka
Ukraine (USSR)
On March 1 and March 2, 1943 the entire town was detroyed by fire, together with its residents. The remaining Jews from Koryukovka, numbering at least 50, were either shot or burned to death in Koryukovka, mostly in the town dining hall, together with the other local residents.
From the testimony of Yevgeniy Rymar, given in 1961:
… An old man comes up to the witness stand with a black patch over his eye. In his hand he holds a portrait of a girl. This is Yevgeniy Yefimovich Rymar. Dead silence fills the room. "Good people! Look at her! This is my small daughter Nina, whom I pressed to my breast when the accursed monsters murdered her in the dining hall. At the location where there is now a mass grave there was a dining hall. They led us like sheep to the slaughter and shot us from machine-guns. I carried my daughter in my arms. A fascist shot me in the eye and continued shooting from his machine-gun. I felt dizzy and can not remember what happened then. All my three children were murdered there. I could not even bury them, could not even see their bodies – they were burned by the accursed monsters. Nothing remains of my children – not even a grave.…"
L. Lesnaya, Those Who Were Shot Testify: The Location of the Crime – Koryukovka (Moscow, 1961) (Russian)
Dinning Hall in Koryukovka
Murder Site
Ukraine (USSR)