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Murder Story of Koryukovka Jews at Lake Koryukovka

Murder Site
Koryukovka Lake
Ukraine (USSR)
On December 22, 1941 a unit of the Hungarian 105th Infantry Brigade shot 250 people from Koryukovka, including 90 Jews, on the shore of the lake in the center of town.
ChGK Soviet Reports from Koryukovka
תעוד של הוועדה הממלכתית המיוחדת לחקר פשעי הנאצים בברית המועצות משנת 1944 על רצח ורדיפת תושבים בנפת Koryukovka
… 1001. Yakov Rokhlenko, age 63, Jewish, pensioner 1002. Chava Rokhlenko, age 58, Jewish, housewife 1003. Akhil Leibovich German, age 35, Jewish, state employee [those are 3 out of several Jewish names on the list]… were shot in Koryukovka in December 1941….
GARF, MOSCOW R-7021-78-14 copy YVA M.33 / JM/19994
Koryukovka Lake
Murder Site
Ukraine (USSR)