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Murder Story of Gortenshtadt Jews at the Agro-Joint Wells near Gortenshtot

Murder Site
Agro-Joint Wells
Russia (USSR)
Site of the former Agro-Joint wells. Photographer: 	Mikhail Tyaglyy, 2010.
Site of the former Agro-Joint wells. Photographer: Mikhail Tyaglyy, 2010.
YVA, Photo Collection, 14615545
According to local inhabitants of Zhuravli, Jews from Gortenshtot and the village of Voyo-Nova (now Listovoye) were murdered here, at the irrigation wells dug with the support of the Agro-Joint organization, some distance from Gortenshtadt.
Related Resources
Anatoli Semenchenko, who was born in 1936 and lived in Gortenshtot, testified: Interview by Mikhail Tyaglyi and Tatyana Velichko in 2010
Anatoli Semenchenko. Photographer: 	Mikhail Tyaglyy, 2010.
- What was that place? - Over there. - What was there? - Three wells. They gave people water. An American company built the wells. They hoped to move all the Jews from Israel.... - When you came here in 1948, were the wells filled with earth or sand? - Not really… - How did they look then? - They looked like 13 meters deep. Maybe, they were half filled. Maybe, they’ve never been used.
YVA O.101 / 545
Galina Badaeva, who lived in Gortenshtot, related: Interview by Mikhail Tyaglyi and Tatyana Velichko in 2010
Galina Badaeva (right). Photographer: 	Mikhail Tyaglyy.
- Someone told me that next to the vines there was a well where they shot people. But I couldn’t find any witnesses. - Who told you? - A local woman. She has since died. When I came here I was interested in the history of the war, and she told me that the well had been filled in and couldn’t be found.... - Aunt Nadia said: “The Germans came with a car, took my friend and her family. We ran after the car, but when we reached the edge of the village, adults stopped us and asked where we were running to… if we wanted to be shot as well. We were nine years old.”
YVA O.101 / 543
Agro-Joint Wells
Murder Site
Russia (USSR)
Site of the former Agro-Joint wells. Photographer: 	Mikhail Tyaglyy, 2010.
Site of the former Agro-Joint wells. Photographer: Mikhail Tyaglyy, 2010.
YVA, Photo Collection, 14615545