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Murder Story of Yevpatoriya Jews in Krasnaya Gorka

Murder Site
Krasnaya Gorka
Russia (USSR)
Krasnaya Gorka, contemporary view. Photographer: 	Mikhail Tyaglyy, 2010.
Krasnaya Gorka, contemporary view. Photographer: Mikhail Tyaglyy, 2010.
YVA, Photo Collection, 14615521
Toward the end of December 1941 about 150 Krymchaks were arrested, locked up in the SD building and, on December 29, shot at a place called Krasnaya Gorka (Red Hill) in the northern part of Yevpatoria. The massacre was carried out by a unit of Sonderkommando 11b commanded by SS-Obersturmbannfuehrer Erich Kubiak. During 1942 Jews who had been discovered in hiding, as well as Jews brought to Yevpatoria from surrounding kolkhozes, including Shaumyan, were also shot at Krasnaya Gorka.
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Elena Bolotina, who lived in Yevpatoriya during the war years, testified: From the article by S. Bubenin "The Red Hill" published in "Yevpatoriyskaya Zdravnitsa" newspaper, June 28, 1983
...My husband, Savelii Egorovich was at the front since the first days of the war, my brother and his wife has evacuated and left me [their] small children, Anya and Sima. I have taken the children and went to live with my parents. My mother is a Greek and I thought we would not be registered. However somebody denounced [to the occupiers] that my father is Jewish, so we were registered. The guards came and took me with the children. We were brought to the building where there is now a 1st block of the Ministry of Defense sanatorium. I had the most neccessary things and the dipers for Sima-she just turned one year. We were locked for two days. I learned later that Fascists foresaw everything by the shootings, even the wind's direction. At that time they have expected the wind to blow from the south. The shootings were carried out at Krasnaya Gorka, in the northern part of the city and when the wind blew from the south the sounds of the shots and cries of the people did not reach the city. When we were brougt by truck to the anti-tank trench and ordered to get out [of the truck] without [our] belongings I immediately understood that we going to be shot. The people started to be hurried by the riflebuts to the edge of the trench. I tried hard not to look into pit, but was sensing that there are already dead people there-there were pools of blood under our feet, the toys, a bottle with a nipple and unfinished milk, a doll with a crushed head were laying around. It was dawning, the warm wind was blowing from the south. The moan was hanging around... The children younger than three years were not shot. The murderer in a black coat was approaching, taking the baby by the arm, raised it to his shoulders level, [and] smeared a strong poison under its nose and upon its lips. The baby was immediately seized by the convulsions and already dead thrown into the pit. The murderer in a black coat still did no reach me, when the submachine gun shots started to be heard. The people were seized by panic, some people in a desperation tried to flee, but the bullets immediately reached the escapees. The children started to cry. I pressed them to my chest. The murderer jumped to us, caught the girl by the legs. Sima started to cry. The bandit jerked the baby furiously [and] striked its small head with all his might against the edge of the trench...Everything went dark before my eyes, I threw myself upon a murderer, seized his throat. The shot was heard, I felt a sharp pain in the side and have fainted... I was awaken by a cold and the child's cry, but I did not fully regained a consiousness...Once again a weak child's sobing reached me from somewhere. I tried to raise but sharp pain slashed my side and once again it went dark before my eyes. The child's crying called for the help more and more insistantly and regaining my consiousness I understood that I am alive but wounded. With a great effort I got out from beneath the bodies. The girl went silent as soon as I got to her. She was about 1,5 year old, shivering with cold, her baby vest thoroughly soaked in blood. I could hardly get out of the trench, wraped the girl in my hairs-I had them thick and long and cautiously crept to the city...
YVA O.33 / 2821
Krasnaya Gorka
Murder Site
Russia (USSR)
Krasnaya Gorka, contemporary view. Photographer: 	Mikhail Tyaglyy, 2010.
Krasnaya Gorka, contemporary view. Photographer: Mikhail Tyaglyy, 2010.
YVA, Photo Collection, 14615521