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Murder Story of Yevpatoriya Jews at the Yevpatoria Freight Railway Station

Murder Site
Freight Train Station
Russia (USSR)
The site where 650 Yevpatoria Jews were shot as it looks today. Photographer: 	Mikhail Tyaglyy, 2010.
The site where 650 Yevpatoria Jews were shot as it looks today. Photographer: Mikhail Tyaglyy, 2010.
YVA, Photo Collection, 14615520
On November 20 or 21, 1941 the Ashkenazi Jews living in Yevpatoria were ordered to appear, ostensibly to be resettled, at the building which, before the war, had housed a school for commanders of Soviet anti-air defence. Locally it was called "the military house" (today it is a sanatorium for anti-aircraft defense forces). The building was located in the northern part of the city near the "resort" train station. The 650 Jews who appeared were locked into the buidling. On November 23 they were taken outside, ordered to undress to their underwear, loaded onto trucks, and taken to anti-tank trenches near the freight train station. There all of them were shot. The killings were carried out by members of Sonderkommando 11a of Einsatzgruppe D.
Related Resources
Elena Rozhenko, who was born in 1925, testified: Interview by Mikhail Tyaglyi and Tatyana Velichko in 2010
Elena Rozhenko about the murder of the Jews in Yevpatoria and in Alchin Fraygan. Photographer: 	Mikhail Tyaglyy.
- Do you remember the day those people were killed? - Yes, of course. - Please, try to remember the details. - When was it: in the morning, during the day, or at night? - During the day. - And when was it? - I don’t remember. - What year? - I don’t remember either. It was the year everybody was evacuating… - 1942? – Yes. - What was the weather like? What season was it? - It was summer. - Why do you think it was summer? Was it warm? It could’ve been autumn, perhaps. - I don’t remember, son. I can’t tell. - What did people wear? - Whatever they had on. - Did they have their overcoats on? - No. - Did they have short sleeves? - Oh, I forgot that. - Well, then, please try to remember what happened on that day. - I was fifteen years old, so I was taken to the trenches. The German trenches. So I know how people were shot there. They were coming from the “RPC”… - What exactly is “RPC”? - “Regional Purveying Company”. - Yes. Its entrance was next to the gas station. - So you were taken there to dig the trenches? - Yes. - On that day? - No. On that day people from the city were brought to be shot. We had to bury them. They were shouting, throwing earth on us, and we were only four people…
YVA O.101 / 596
Freight Train Station
Murder Site
Russia (USSR)
The site where 650 Yevpatoria Jews were shot as it looks today. Photographer: 	Mikhail Tyaglyy, 2010.
The site where 650 Yevpatoria Jews were shot as it looks today. Photographer: Mikhail Tyaglyy, 2010.
YVA, Photo Collection, 14615520