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Ukraine (USSR)
Jews settled in Koryukovka in the 19th century. In 1897 Koryukova's 381 Jews comprised 11 percent of the total population. During the pogroms of the civil war many Jews left for towns with larger Jewish communities. Most local Jews were petty merchants or artisans but some Jews worked in local factories, including one that was the largest sugar refinery in the Soviet Union at that time. In 1939 Korykova’s 475 Jews comprised 4.9 percent of the town's total population. Koryukovka was occupied by German troops on September 5, 1941. Since flight from Koryukovka was difficult due to the lack of a railway station and main roads, many Jews were forced to remain in the occupied territories. On November 9, 1941 a group of Jews from Koryukovka was loaded by Germans and Ukrainian police onto trucks that would, ostensibly, take them to Chernigov but they were killed instead. Similar murder operations were carried out in December 1941, and on February 13 and on December 12, 1942. A total of at least 40 Jews from Koryukovka were taken by truck and murdered in or on the way to Chernigov. Most of Jews did not reach Chernigov but were gassed inside the trucks and buried in an unknown location. Those Jews who did reach Chernigov were murdered by Germans and their accomplices. In December 1941 and January-February 1942 many Koryukovka Jews were shot in the village by Hungarians. In March 1943 the entire town was detroyed by fire together with its remaining residents. 2 Jewish children were transported from Kozlyanichi to Koryukovka and shot there by Ukrainian police in an unknown location on February 18, 1942. The Koryukovka area was liberated by the Red Army on September 19 (or September 20), 1943.
Koryukovka District
Chernigov Region
Ukraine (USSR) (today Koryukivka
Last Name First Name Year of Birth Place of Residence Fate
Andrukhovich Roza Koryukovka, Ukraine (USSR) not stated
Basalygin Anatoli Koryukovka, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Basalygin Mosya Koryukovka, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Basalygina Lyudmila Koryukovka, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Basalygina Sofia Koryukovka, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Beloborodov Boris Koryukovka, Ukraine (USSR) not stated
Beloborodov Boris Koryukovka, Ukraine (USSR) was registered following the evacuation to the interior of the Soviet Union
Beloborodov Isak Koryukovka, Ukraine (USSR) not stated
Beloborodov Mikhail Koryukovka, Ukraine (USSR) not stated
Beloborodov Vladimir Koryukovka, Ukraine (USSR) not stated
Beloborodova Liza Koryukovka, Ukraine (USSR) not stated
Beloborodova Liza 1918 Koryukovka, Ukraine (USSR) was registered following the evacuation to the interior of the Soviet Union
Beloborodova Raisa Koryukovka, Ukraine (USSR) not stated
Beloborodova Roza Koryukovka, Ukraine (USSR) not stated
Beloborodova Sarra 1924 Koryukovka, Ukraine (USSR) was registered following the evacuation to the interior of the Soviet Union
Beloborodova Sarra Koryukovka, Ukraine (USSR) not stated
Beloborodova Sima Koryukovka, Ukraine (USSR) not stated
Bely Shlyoma 1910 Koryukovka, Ukraine (USSR) killed in military service
Bomshtein Semyon 1926 Koryukovka, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Bomshteyn Boris 1929 Koryukovka, Ukraine (USSR) was registered following the evacuation to the interior of the Soviet Union
Bomshteyn Grigori 1938 Koryukovka, Ukraine (USSR) was registered following the evacuation to the interior of the Soviet Union
Bomshteyn Tziliya 1924 Koryukovka, Ukraine (USSR) was registered following the evacuation to the interior of the Soviet Union
Braginskaya Basya Koryukovka, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Braginskaya Galina Koryukovka, Ukraine (USSR) not stated
Braginskaya Raisa 1912 Koryukovka, Ukraine (USSR) was registered following the evacuation to the interior of the Soviet Union
Braginskaya Yevdokiya Koryukovka, Ukraine (USSR) not stated
Braginskaya Smitzkaya Galina 1931 Koryukivka, Ukraine (USSR) was registered following the evacuation to the interior of the Soviet Union
Braginski Boris Koryukovka, Ukraine (USSR) not stated
Braginski Lev Koryukovka, Ukraine (USSR) not stated
Braginski Lev 1904 Koryukivka, Ukraine (USSR) was registered following the evacuation to the interior of the Soviet Union
Braginski Yakov Koryukovka, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Braginski Smitzki Boris 1934 Koryukivka, Ukraine (USSR) was registered following the evacuation to the interior of the Soviet Union
Breyger Ilia 1904 Koryukovka, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Bunin Beba Koryukovka, Ukraine (USSR) not stated
Bunin Bela 1932 Koryukovka, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Bunin Elena 1936 Koryukovka, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Bunin Riveka 1911 Koryukovka, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Bunina Beba Koryukovka, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Bunina Rena Koryukovka, Ukraine (USSR) not stated
Bunina Riva Koryukovka, Ukraine (USSR) not stated
Bunina Riva Koryukovka, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Bunina Yelena Koryukovka, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Cherednikova Yeva Koryukovka, Ukraine (USSR) murdered
Chernyakov Izrail Koryukovka, Ukraine (USSR) not stated
Duras Galya Koryukovka, Ukraine (USSR) not stated
Duras Grigori Koryukovka, Ukraine (USSR) not stated
Dvorkin Gita Koryukovka, Ukraine (USSR) not stated
Dvorkin Mara Koryukovka, Ukraine (USSR) not stated
Dvorkin Naum Koryukovka, Ukraine (USSR) not stated
Dvoskin Boris Koryukovka, Ukraine (USSR) murdered