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Daitch-Mokotoff soundex
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expand search to include possibly related given names
Maiden Name:
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Record Group:
Relevant mostly for researchers familiar with the Yad Vashem Archives and for archivists: The record group the item belongs to, e. g. O.33 (if known)
Record Sub Group:
Relevant mostly for researchers familiar with the Yad Vashem Archives and for archivists: The record sub group the item belongs to, e. g. M.1.D (if known)
File Number:
Relevant mostly for researchers familiar with the Yad Vashem Archives and for archivists: The requested file in a record group, e. g. P.16/69 (if known)
Archive of Origin:
Relevant mostly for researchers familiar with the Yad Vashem Archives and for archivists: Provenance - some of the items in the Yad Vashem Archives originate from other archives. Filling in this field will further focus your search (if relevant and known)
Original Archival Signature:
Relevant mostly for researchers familiar with the Yad Vashem Archives and for archivists: The archival signature in the archive of origin (if relevant and known)
Submitter Name:
Provenance: The name of the person or institution which submitted the materials to the Yad Vashem Archives (if known)
Assistance and Rescue
Assistance to Jews
Attitude Towards Jews - Hungary and the Hungarian Population
Attitude Towards the Jews - Czechoslovakia and Czech Population Jews
Attitude Towards the Jews - Slovakia and the Slovakian Population
Aktion 14f13
Aktion T4
Gas Chambers
Keywords for Visual Sources
Aliya Training During the War
Anti-Jewish Legislation
Badge of Shame
Dutch Police
Attitude Towards the Jews - Romanian Population
Deportation to Transnistria
Deportees From Romania
Jews of Romania
Aktion Reinhard
Baumhardt Ernst
Bohne Gerhard
Bolender Kurt Heinz
Borm Kurt
Confiscation of Jewish Property
Bnei Akiva
Border Crossing
Discovery of a Hiding Place
French Gendarmes
Anti-Jewish Propaganda
Antisemitism After the War
Antisemitism Before the War
Attitude of the Hungarian Population
Deportation From the Ghettos
Aid to Refugees
Assistance to Refugees - Collection of Money