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Murder story of Hoszcza Jews in the Chalk Quarry near the Horyn River

Murder Site
Chalk Quarry near the Horyn River
On July 17, 1943, 20 skilled artisans were removed from the labor camp in which they had been held, and were then shot, apparently by a German unit, near the chalk quarry that lay next to the Horyn River, outside Hoszcza.

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Batya Ben Baruch (Weissman), who was born in 1920 in Hoszcza and lived there during the war years, testified:
… One morning, Ochrim [Sirotzuk, a Ukrainian peasant who served in the fire department in Hoszcza and was hiding some Jews] came into our "kennel" [i.e., hiding place]. We immediately recognized from his face that something had happened. He told us that, early that morning, the Germans had shot all the Jews in the camp, including Peretz Goldstein. They were driven to the back of the hills, near the chalk quarry, where the river Horin [Horyn] flows by, and there they were shot and covered with earth in a mass grave.… That happened on the 14th day of Tamuz, 5703; the 17th day of July 1943….
Peretz Goldstein, Let The World Know (New York, 1965) p. [90] (English)
Chalk Quarry near the Horyn River
Murder Site