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Murder story of Lida Jews in the Lida Ghetto

Murder Site
In March 1942, in connection with the shooting of 50 Jewish refugees from Vilna in the area of the former prison, another 200 Jews were shot in the ghetto, apparently as "punishment". Some of the victims of this shooting were children, whose dead bodies were found in the ghetto houses later that day.
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Excerpts from the Memory Book. Lida and Lida County about the shootings of Jews in March 1942:
In March 1942, the Jews were driven out of their residences, and, at 8 AM, they were assembled in the square near the post office. They were forced to lie down in the snow, so that the villains could identify the Jews from Vilna. The Jews returning home from work on that day saw a horrible picture. Their homes had turned into graves. All the children left by their parents at home because of the bitter cold, children of all ages, sick and dying, all those who had not come to the roll call, were found lying in pools of their own blood, which was still warm. In this way, 200 persons perished on that day.
V. Baranov at all, eds., Memory Book. Lida and Lida County, Minsk, 2004, p. 194 (Belarusian).