According to one testimony, in July 1941 several hundred men were arrested by the Germans in the streets of Równe and taken to the Gestapo jail on Belaia Street. There, about half of them were separated from the rest, since they were non-Jewish. The remaining Jewish men were shot in the jail.
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Written Testimonies
From the testimony of Dr. Rachel Shuchman, who lived in Równe under the German occupation:
[In July 1941,] my husband, Benzion Shuchman, went twice to our apartment to retrieve some items. On the third trip, he didn't return. That day, [the Germans] arrested 400 [men] in the streets and took them to the [Gestapo] jail with their hands held up. There, more than half of them were separated from the rest and released, since they were "Aryan", while 150 Jews [Jewish men] were shot dead. My husband turned out to be one of those 150….
Arie Avatihi, ed., Rovneh, Book of Remembrance (Tel Aviv: Hotza'at "Yalkut Vohlin," 1956), p. 557 (Hebrew).