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Murder story of Lwow Jews in the Pełtewna Bridge

Murder Site
Pełtewna Bridge
According to testimonies relating to the establishment of a ghetto (a Jewish "quarter") in Lwów, in November 1941, which encompassed the neighborhoods of Kleparow and Zamarstynow on the northern outskirts of the city, a checkpoint was set up at the bridge over Peltewna Alley (now Vyacheslav Chornovol Avenue) (or, according to Holocaust survivor David Kahane, over Zrodlana, now Dzerelna, Street, which runs parallel to Peltewna) at the entrance to the "quarter." There a selection was conducted by municipal authorities and German policemen. Elderly and ill Jews, as well as many Jewish women, were taken aside and either shot in the vicinity of the bridge or taken to the city's outskirts and shot there. According to various testimonies the total number of victims of this massacre, known as The Death Bridge Murder Operation, numbered about 5,000.
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From the Diary of David Kahane:
...The Aktion under the bridge was organized in an exemplary fashion. With the promulgation of the decree about the establishment of the ghetto, an order was issued that the traffic of Jews from the city to the ghetto be directed only through the Zrodlana Street bridge. All other streets and bridges were guarded by the Gestapo and the SS, who drove away any Jew, directing him to the Zrodlana bridge. At the checkpoint on the bridge, every Jew and every Jewish cart were inspected closely. All valuables were confiscated and the owners were left with only rags. This was not, however, the primary objective of the Aktion under the bridge. All the elderly and disabled were separated and brought to a mysterious building to the right of the bridge, from which no one returned. Much later I had an opportunity to speak with a number of reliable witnesses who succeeded in escaping from that hell. According to them, men and women were assembled separately in a large hall. The women were lined up in two columns. A bludgeon-wielding woman with the face of a witch positioned herself between the two columns. With enormous force she dealt blows to the right and left until the two columns fell on the floor, the women rolling in their own blood. The treatment accorded to the men was somewhat different - they were placed with their faces against the wall and shot one by one....
Kahane, David. Lvov Ghetto diary.Amherst : University of Massachusetts Press, 1990, pp. 36-37.
Pełtewna Bridge
Murder Site