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Murder story of Kamenny Brod Jews in the Stone Quarry near Kamenny Brod

Murder Site
Stone Quarry near Kamenny Brod
Ukraine (USSR)
Former Stone quarry murder site near Kamenny Brod. Photographer: 	Mikhail Tyaglyy, 2012.
Former Stone quarry murder site near Kamenny Brod. Photographer: Mikhail Tyaglyy, 2012.
YVA, Photo Collection, 14615761
On August 18, 1941, some 200 Jewish men were rounded up and shot in the stone quarry in Kamenny Brod. On August 23, more than 130 Jewish women and children were collected in the school building, and then taken to the same murder site to be shot. Some of the victims were thrown into the quarry while still alive.
Related Resources
Alla Tkachenko, an employee of the Faience Factory Museum in Kamenny Brod, related: Interview by Mikhail Tyaglyy in 2012
Alla Tkachenko, Kamenny Brod. Photographer: 	Mikhail Tyaglyy, 2012.
We are now in Kamenny Brod, near the stone quarry where the Jews were shot. In this place, during the war, in the month of July [sic] 1941, I do not remember the exact date, it was the 18th or 19th, they shot the Jews; the men were shot first. They were brought here, 127 of them, and shot. Several days later, the women, children, and teenage girls were brought [here] by force. They were told that they were going to be collected in the school building. Then, they were taken to the same site [as the men]. It [the killing] lasted the whole day…. people fell to the ground, some alive, some dead. Some of those who were still alive were buried, as well. The ground heaved for several days, it was all red with blood. The Fascists stood here and prevented people from approaching and helping those who may have been still alive. No one approached. There used to be stone pits here, where stones were quarried. This was part of the village, maybe its center. First, the men, and then the women and the children [were shot]. The interval between the events was about three weeks. This needs to be clarified: There were about 270 women. Not all of their last names are written there. They say there was a woman who attacked a man with a submachine-gun. She hit him with a stone, and then jumped into the stone quarry. This was a tiny act of protest. The rest of the people were passive, obedient…. My grandmother told me about it. She hid her neighbor, a girl, the daughter of a friend. The girl survived, but her mother was shot dead.
YVA O.101 / 496
Stone Quarry near Kamenny Brod
Murder Site
Ukraine (USSR)
Former Stone quarry murder site near Kamenny Brod. Photographer: 	Mikhail Tyaglyy, 2012.
Former Stone quarry murder site near Kamenny Brod. Photographer: Mikhail Tyaglyy, 2012.
YVA, Photo Collection, 14615761