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Murder story of Horochow Jews in the Czujew Area

Murder Site
Czujew Area
Contemporary view of the Czujew Area murder site, Horochów
Contemporary view of the Czujew Area murder site, Horochów
Sergei Shvardovskii (Ukraine), Copy YVA 14616558
In early September 1942, after the head of the Judenrat, Herschel Zimmerman, had been shot to death by the Germans, the inmates of the ghetto were collected by the Ukrainian auxiliary police at the town's market square. They were ordered to leave all their valuables at the site and then were taken in eight trucks and some carts to the mass grave that had been dug near the former village of Czujew, south of the town. Upon their arrival at the murder site, the victims were made to strip naked, forced into the pit with their faces down, and then the Gendarmerie men shot them to death with machine-guns in the back of the head. The Jews' valuables and clothing were taken away; some were taken by the Gendarmerie and Ukrainian auxiliary police, and the rest went to the German civil administration. The Gebietskommissar of Horochów Ernst Härter was reportedly in charge of this murder operation.
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Szlomo Diksztejn, who was born in 1915 in Horochow and lived there during the war years, testified:
When the "murder operation" day came, the Germans brought [to the town] trucks and wagons. The Jews turned to their representative Herschel Zimmerman [the head of the Judenrat] and asked him what this meant. On Saturday morning Zimmerman came to the workshop and announced that all was lost and that each person had to look out for himself. I met Yonah Zotler and we decided to escape [to the forest]. … Those [survivors] who came to the forest after us told us that the [German] commandant of the town, with whom Herschel Zimmerman was in contact, came that morning to Zimmerman's home and said to him:" I will do you a favor and not let that those pigs [i.e. Ukrainian auxiliary policemen] kill you; I will kill you myself" – and he shot him. From that time all the Jewish residents of the town were loaded onto trucks and taken toward the village of Czujew, where pits had been prepared. The Jews were shot to death and buried there.
Yosif Karive ed.: Horchiv Memorial Book (Horchiv Committee in Israel, Tel Aviv, 1966), p. 284 (in Hebrew)
Czujew Area
Murder Site
Contemporary view of the Czujew Area murder site, Horochów
Contemporary view of the Czujew Area murder site, Horochów
Sergei Shvardovskii (Ukraine), Copy YVA 14616558