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Murder Story of Imeni Dimitrova Kolkhoz Jews in the Prison Area at the Dimitrov Collective Farm

Murder Site
Prison Area in Dimitrov Collective Farm
Russia (USSR)
At least twenty Jews, apparently refugees who had arrived in the area, were murdered on the Dimitrov Collective Farm . Among the victims were young children and old people. Eight Jews were buried alive, seven of them near the wall of the local prison. There is no information about the murder the rest of the victims. The exact date of the murder operation remains unknown.
Related Resources
The Soviet report from Imeni Dimitrova Kolkhoz
תעוד של הוועדה הממלכתית המיוחדת לחקר פשעי הנאצים בברית המועצות מהשנים 1943-1942 על רדיפות ורצח יהודים ב- Kalmykia
While brutally murdering Soviet civilians the fascist beasts had mercy neither on the children or on the old people. Entire families were shot. Thus, for example, on the Dimitrov kolkhoz were shot: the Raizbergs family (that consisted of four people, -- the husband, the wife, and the two children);and Sonya Sandler, a Red Army soldier's wife, 35 years old with four children from 2 to 16 years old. A seventy-year old woman named Rozenfeld was buried alive. This instance of the barbarians' cruelty was not the only one. Next to the prison walls there were discovered seven hurriedly buried corpses, their arms and legs twisted, their fingers holding pieces of torn out hair. The corpses contained traces of inhuman suffering underground: according to the expert commission conclusion, these people had been buried alive. There are numerous signs of brutality and looting on the bodies -- the teeth /the gold ones/ of some of them had been knocked out for the purpose of looting.
NARK, ELISTA R-68-1-29 copy YVA M.62 / 85
Prison Area in Dimitrov Collective Farm
Murder Site
Russia (USSR)