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Murder Story of Poltava Jews at the Former Firing Range in the Poltava Area

Murder Site
Firing Range near Poltava
Ukraine (USSR)
On November 15, 1941 the German authorities ordered Poltava's Jewish population to assemble on November 23, 1941 on the pretext that they were going to be relocated. They were allowed to bring with them a three-day food supply and their valuables. On November 23 the Jews were taken along Pushkarevskaya Street to the southwestern outskirts of the city near the former Soviet firing range. A number of non-Jews joined their Jewish spouses and children, going with them to the murder site, where they were killed together. The murder operation was conducted by Sonderkommando 4b. The Jews were shot in groups of 20-30 and their bodies were thrown into an anti-tank trench. Young children were thrown into the trench alive. According to some sources 1,538 Jews (according to other sources – a total of 3,000 people) were shot that day.
Related Resources
Soviet Reports from Poltava
Report prepared for the ChGK, Soviet Extraordinary State Commission regarding the murder of residents of Poltava, 1943
On November 23, 1941 the Jews, including the [members of the] Jewish council, were collected on Pushkarevskaya Street on the outskirts of the city [ostensibly] to be relocated. The people were robbed of everything they had, even their clothes and shoes. Then they were shot. The bodies were thrown into an anti-tank trench. Young children were thrown into the trench alive. The whole night neighborhood residents heard half-buried people moaning. On that day about 3,000 Jews were murdered. Many Russians who were the husbands or wives of Jews, as well as children from mixed marriages, were also killed.
DAPO, POLTAVA a3388-1-1601 copy YVA O.32 / 12
The Soviet report from February 15, 1944 about the mass murder of the Jews from Poltava in November 1941
Documentation regarding the murder of Jews and POWs in the Poltava district, 1943-1944
....Below are listed the places where the murders were carried out: ....5) At the end of Pushkarevskaya Street [there was] the firing range of Regiment # 73, where mass shootings of Jews were carried out ....
DAPO, POLTAVA 105-1-30 copy YVA O.32 / 10
Firing Range near Poltava
shooting range
Murder Site
Ukraine (USSR)