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Murder Story of Kilikiyev Jews at the Kilikiyev Jewish Cemetery

Murder Site
Ukraine (USSR)
Apparently in early August (or, according to one testimony, in early September) 1941 the members of an SS murder squad surrounded the town and, with the assistance of Ukrainian auxiliary policemen, drove a group of approximately 45 Jewish men - Communists and members of the Komsomol, along with several Ukrainian men, out of their homes. They were collected at the local school building and locked up for the night in a shed at the school. The next day, early in the morning, they were taken by truck toward Piddybtsi village, to a field close to the Jewish cemetery of the town. Upon their arrival at the site they were made to dig a pit and then were shot to death with rifles and sub-machine guns by the members of the 1st SS Motorized Infantry Brigade. Ukrainian policemen covered the bodies with earth. The clothes and personal belongings of the victims were taken and then collected by Ukrainian policemen in an empty house in the town.
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From the joint testimony of Taras Markhaichuck, Oleksandra Lysiuk, and Fedor Melnik, who were born in Kilikiyev and were living there during the German occupation
When the Germans captured the town, a Jewish teacher of the German language, asked a [German] officer whether it was true that the Germans were going to shoot the Jews to death. The officer shook his head negatively. Some time afterwards [i.e. in early August 1941], the residents [of Kilikiyev] realized that he was lying: the village was surrounded by a Fascist murder squad that began a murder operation directed against the Jewish-men. They were driven to a shed of the local school building and held there for 24 hours [sic, over night]. Early the next day they were all taken out of the shed to a field out of town. There the Jews were made to dig a pit. We heard shooting from rifles and sub-machine guns and the screaming and moaning of those who were [only] wounded. Fascists and [Ukrainian auxiliary] policemen finished off those who were still alive, throwing them into the mass grave and covering [all the victims] with earth. The residents of the town [including the above-mentioned eyewitnesses] who went to work in the field stopped near the mass grave of the Jews who had been shot to death. We saw a terrible sight: puddles of human blood and the bodies of the dead could be seen inside the pit… .
David Hoshkis, ed., Bleeding Wound, Slavuta, 1996, p. 81. (Ukrainian).
Jewish cemetery
Murder Site
Ukraine (USSR)
Olga Barats was born in Kilikiyev in 1922 and was living there during the war years
USC SHOAH FOUNDATION, 30986 copy YVA O.93 / 30986