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Murder story of Komsomolskoye Jews in the Zhezhelev Forest

Murder Site
Ukraine (USSR)
On September 10, 1941, early in the morning, members of the German police regiment South and Ukrainian auxiliary policemen surrounded the town of Komsomolskoye and drove all the local Jews, irrespective of age or sex, out of their homes and took them to a barn on the territory of the mill and to the oil-processing factory on the outskirts of town. Jews were told they were going to be sent to work in another area. All the victims were locked in the collection places for several days, robbed of their possessions, and severely abused. After between 10 and 20 men who were skilled workers were separated, the rest of the Jews were loaded onto trucks, taken to the forest near the village of Zhezhelev, several kilometers north of Komsomolskoye, ordered to strip, and then shot in the back of the head in small groups at three pits that had been prepared in advance. The total number of Jews murdered in this massacre exceeded 800.
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From the ChGK Report about the German atrocities in the Vinnitsa District:
תעוד הוועדה הממלכתית המיוחדת לחקר פשעי הנאצים בברית המועצות, 1945-1943 על פשעים שבוצעו בעיר ובאזור VINNITSA, מחוז VINNITSA, אוקראינה
…On September 10, 1941 the Gestapo carried out mass arrests of Soviet citizens on the territory of Komsomolskoye County. All those arrested were driven by Germans to the mill's barns and to the territory of the oil-processing factory of the town of Komsomolsk [Komsomolskoye]. The population was told that they were going to be sent to work to others areas. After that the arrestees were kept for several days without food and water, then loaded onto the trucks and taken to Zhezhelev forest and then shot there…
GARF, MOSCOW R-7021-54-1341 copy YVA M.33 / JM/19942
From the Statement to the ChGK by Holocaust survivor Motel Fayer:
חקירת פשעי הנאצים בברית-המועצות: גורל יהודים במחוז VINNITSA, אזור KOMSOMOLSKOYE והיישובים MALYYE KUTYSHCHA ו-LEMESHEVKA.
…Early in September 10, 1941 the entire town of Komsomolskoye was surrounded by a murder squad and the entire population was driven out of their houses by the murder squad's members and taken by covered vehicles to a shop at the territory of the mill (there is a dairy there now). The population (children, adults, the elderly, cripples, [and] ill people) was held in this shop, locked in and guarded from the morning to 4 p.m., i.e. until the shooting pits at Zhezhelev forest were ready. On that day the head of the murder squad arrived at the shop into which the Jews had been forced and announced that whoever had precious items of gold, such as coins, rings, earrings, bracelets, etc. and handed all of this over would be spared. Whoever had such things, of course, handed them over but then the head of the murder squad announced that all of us were still going to be shot. After that a loud noise, crying, screaming, arose in the shop so, to quiet people down, the guards beat them with rods...About 800 people had been driven together there; the men were separated from women by a rope and the guards did not allow them to mix. Before the shooting the head of the murder squad separated 12 skilled male workers and 5 women, who were left to work… At 4 p.m. the rest of the people were taken by truck to the Zhezhelev forest, where graves had been prepared, and were shot - first the men, then the women and the children. Sometimes the children were buried alive…
GARF, MOSCOW R-7021-54-1246 copy YVA M.33 / JM/19689; JM/19942
From the Statement to the ChGK by Holocaust survivor Naum Belskiy:
חקירת פשעי הנאצים בברית-המועצות: גורל יהודים במחוז VINNITSA, אזור KOMSOMOLSKOYE והיישובים MALYYE KUTYSHCHA ו-LEMESHEVKA.
On September 10, 1941 at 5 a. m. Komsomolskoye was surrounded by an SS detachment, some members of which were riding horses; others were infantry men [armed] with submachine-guns and light machine-guns. Some of the Germans and gendarmes drove the population out of their apartments, every single person was driven out, the old, the young and nursing infants; the people were not even allowed to put on their clothes but were taken from their beds and driven outside barefoot toward the former grain storage building on the territory of the mill. The men were separated from the women and children. Afterwards, the Germans searched everyone. Whoever had money, watches, or other valuables was robbed of them; whoever had good shoes or overshoes were robbed of them by the Germans. The personal papers of everyone were also taken and burned on the spot in the grain storage building. All this lasted from 5 a.m. until 2 p.m. At 2 p.m. covered trucks came and the people were loaded onto them, 30 to a truck, and were taken to the forest near Zhezhelev village, 5 kilometers from Komsomolskoye. Three pits measuring 10 x 5 x 3 meters [each] had been prepared there. The people were unloaded from the trucks and made to sit in a trench about 50 meters from these pits; each time 15 people were brought to the pit, forced to strip and 15 Germans from the SS [armed] with rifles shot them in the back of the head. The nursing infants were thrown into the pits alive; the young children age 5-6 were taken by the arm to the pit, where the Germans shot them. In this way, 15 at a time, 835 people, including elderly ones, children, cripples, and sick people, were shot by the Germans…
GARF, MOSCOW R-7021-54-1246 copy YVA M.33 / JM/19689; JM/19942
Murder Site
Ukraine (USSR)
Polina Belskaia was born in 1931 in Makhnovka (Komsomolskoye) and lived there during the war years (interview in Ukrainian)
USC SHOAH FOUNDATION, 7393 copy YVA O.93 / 7393