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Murder story of Yarmolintsy Jews in the Grabiny Vegetable Garden

Murder Site
Ukraine (USSR)
According to an eyewitness, on July 9, 1941 German soldiers rounded up 16 Jewish men in Yarmolintsy, took them to the nearby village of Grabiny, and shot them to death in a vegetable garden of one of the village residents. After the shooting the soldiers made the resident prepare a pit and bury the victims there.
Related Resources
From the testimony of Grigoryi Gumenchuk, a Ukrainian resident of Grabiny village (near Yarmolintsy), who was living there during the war
Documentation of the State Extraordinary Commission for Investigation of Nazi War Crimes in the Soviet Union (ChGK), 1944 regarding the murder and persecution of the Jews in the Shepetovka and Yarmolintsy Districts, 1942-1943
... On July 9, 1941 the German soldiers rounded up 16 local residents [Jewish men] in the town of Yarmolintsy, took them to my vegetable garden and shot them in the head, and then made me dig a pit, take off their shoes, and bury their bodies in the pit....
GARF, MOSCOW R-7021-64-818 copy YVA M.33 / JM/19712
vegetable garden
Murder Site
Ukraine (USSR)