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Murder Story of Gorodok Jews at the Jewish Cemetery in Gorodok

Murder Site
Gorodok Jewish Cemetery
Ukraine (USSR)
In January 1943 16 Jews who had apparently been hiding in the town were found and shot to death at the Jewish cemetery.
Related Resources
The ChGK report from Gorodok
תעוד של הועדה הממלכתית המיוחדת לחקר פשעי הנאצים במחוז Kamenets-Podolsk משנת 1944
[The bodies of] 16 [Jews] who had been shot to death in January 1943 were found at the Jewish cemetery of Gorodok.
TsDAHOU, KYIV 166-3-215 copy YVA M.37 / 1201
Gorodok Jewish Cemetery
Jewish cemetery
Murder Site
Ukraine (USSR)