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Murder Story of Chashniki Jews at the Chashniki Jewish Cemetery

Murder Site
Belorussia (USSR)
The Jewish cemetery, general view. Photographer: 	Alexander Litin, 2012.
The Jewish cemetery, general view. Photographer: Alexander Litin, 2012.
YVA, Photo Collection, 14615557
According to one source, on October 18, 1941 250 local Jews were shot to death in the Jewish cemetery of Chashniki.
Jewish cemetery
Murder Site
Belorussia (USSR)
The Jewish cemetery, general view. Photographer: 	Alexander Litin, 2012.
The Jewish cemetery, general view. Photographer: Alexander Litin, 2012.
YVA, Photo Collection, 14615557
Grave stones at the Jewish cemetery. Photographer: 	Alexander Litin, 2012.
Grave stones at the Jewish cemetery. Photographer: Alexander Litin, 2012.
YVA, Photo Collection, 14615558