On August 24 or 28 (according to other sources, in September) 1941, 1,000-1,300 Jews from Smolevichi – mostly the elderly, women and children – were executed at Gorodishche Hill, 2-3 kilometers south of Smolevichi, near the village of Aputok.
The Jews were taken in convoy from the ghetto under the pretext that they were being transferred to a new location. When many of the Jews realized they were being led to their deaths and refused to walk, they were murdered on the spot. The remaining Jews were brought to the site, undressed and shot in the pit. Many children were simply tossed into the pit and buried alive. The murder operation was carry out by the Teilkommando [sub-unit] No. 2 of the Einsatzkommando 8b, under the command of Werner Schoeneman, with the cooperation of the local police force (according to other sources, the murders were carried out by two Lithuanian units). Also present was Police Battalion 707/10. Commanding the murder operation was Franz Lechthaler.
A further 250 Jews (according to other data some 1,000 Jews) most likely met the same fate there on September 13, 1941. This murder was carried out under the command of the town’s officer Mueller.
Related Resources
German Reports / Romanian Reports
ChGK Soviet Reports
German Reports from Smolevichi
October 9, 1941
Operational Situation Report USSR No. 136 …Near Smolevich [Smolevichi], the Jews were under suspicion as well of having several times, together with the partisans and other criminal elements, blown up the Minsk-Smolensk railway line. In conjunction with the Kommando from Minsk, 1,401 Jews were shot during large-scale operations carried out in Smolevich. …
Arad, Yitzhak, Krakowski, Shmuel and Spector, Shmuel. The Einsatzgruppen reports : selections from the dispatches of the Nazi Death Squads' campaign against the Jews July 1941-January 1943 . New York : Holocaust Library, 1989, p. 181.
Gorodishche Kaplitsa (Smolevichi Area)
Murder Site
Belorussia (USSR)
Monument commemorating the Jewish victims from Smolevichi