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Murder Story of Nowogródek Jews at the Barracks in Nowogródek

Murder Site
Barracks Nowogródek
On July 17, 1941, members of the Einsatzkommando 8b, under the command of Otto Bradfisch, rounded up eighty Jews, including members of the intelligentsia, and shot them in the barracks. That same day, they shot some 180 Jewish men from the nearby town of Zdzieciol at the same place.

On August 18, 1941, the same forces shot 120 Jewish men – members of the intelligentsia, rabbis and other religious figures from the town of Korelicze – near the barracks.

Prepared by the committee head Rabbi M. R. Rogatinskiy of Nowogrodek:
תיעוד על הקמת גיטאות ורצי יהודים באזורים Lachowicze, Nieswiez, Nowogrodek, Mir, Slonim
... On July 17, 1941, a group of eighty Jews – intelligentsia (engineers, doctors, bookkeepers, etc.) – was rounded up on the pretext of sending them to work. Brutal bandits, together with their co-workers the Belarussian policemen, murdered them next to the barracks and buried them together in one pit .... ... On July 17, 1941, a group of 180 Jewish men was taken from the settlement of Dyatlovo [Zdzieciol], Baranovichi [Baranowicze] [Nowogrodek] District. The men were deceived in the following way: the Fascist beasts, together with their comrades-in-arms, called together all the men in Dyatlovo and, on the pretext of sending them to work, brought them to Novogrodek by truck, and murdered them in one pit next the barracks. The murders were carried out by Germans, Ukrainians, Lithuanians and Belarussian policemen .... ... On August 18, 1941, all the Jewish men aged 14 and over were gathered together. 120 people – the higher echelons of Jewish intelligentsia and rabbis – were selected from among them with the help of German-Fascist co-workers. They were taken from Karelichi [Korelicze] to Novogrudok [Nowogrodek] by truck, as if they were going to work, where they were murdered in one pit next to the barracks. They had to dig the pit themselves ....
GARF, MOSCOW R-7021-81-102 copy YVA M.33 / JM/19998
Barracks Nowogródek
Murder Site