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Murder Story of Dzerzhinsk Jews in Klypovshchina

Murder Site
Belorussia (USSR)
Murder site in the vicnity of Klypovshchina village
Murder site in the vicnity of Klypovshchina village
YVA, Photo Collection, 14615687
According to different sources, in the early July 1941 a murder operation against the local Jewish male population was carried out. The Germans gathered the men on the pretext of sending them to work. Instead, they were taken to the birch grove in the vicinity of Klypovshchina village located 4 kilometers way from the town. There they were sho to death. After the operation the Judenrat was ordered to collect gold and cash from the Jewish families in order to release the Jewish men, who they believed were being kept hostage by the Germans. In fact, they had already been shot in the forest near the town. Some sources say, the vicitms numbered 16 but probably they were more.
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From the article of Anatoliy Valakhanovich “The Holocaust in Dzerzhinsk County":
Anatoliy Valakhanovich, a historian and a journalist, one of the authors, who worked on the "Memory. Dzerzhinsk County", wrote in his research article on the Holocaust in Dzerznisk county: In the early July 1941 the Germans arrested in Dzerzhinsk town 16 young and strong men - Jews, took them to the young birch grove very close to Klypovshchina village, 4 kilometers from Dzrerzhinsk. They were shot to death to the right from the railway to Stolbtsy, 150 meters from the railway line - (at the 793rd kilometer). It was the first shooting of civilians of the Jewish origin, witnessed by the county residents.
Anatoliy Valakhanovich, "The Holocaust in the Dzerzhinsk county," in Yakov Basin, ed., Lessons of the Holocaust: History and Modernity, Minsk, 2009, p. 108 (in Belarusian)
Murder Site
Belorussia (USSR)
Emma Zanger was born in Dzerzhinsk and lived there during the war years. (Interview in Russian)
USC SHOAH FOUNDATION, 29487 copy YVA O.93 / 29487