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Murder Story of Bobruysk Jews at the Bobruysk Jewish Cemetery

Murder Site
Belorussia (USSR)
In the summer to early autumn of 1941, the Germans brought groups of civilians, including Jews, to the Jewish Cemetery, and shot them dead. At the end of 1943, during the German retreat, they dug up the numerous corpses and burned them.
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The ChGK report from Bobruysk
תיעוד על פשעים נאציים ב-Parichi וב-Bobruisk  והאזור.
... One kilometer from the town of Bobruysk is a Jewish cemetery, which the Germans turned into a site of mass murder of Soviet citizens. Some 25,000 people were murdered and tortured there during the German occupation. Testimony of Ignat Sakrebskiy: “I was witness to the mass murder of Soviet citizens in the Jewish Cemetery. The pits were prepared in advance by the Germans, and dug by Russian prisoners of war. Afterwards, closed trucks brought the Soviet citizens to the site, where they were killed on the spot by the Fascists, and thrown haphazardly into the pits. The murders were carried out in the mornings and evenings of the years 1941, 1942 and 1943. Among the murdered were the elderly, women and children, as well as prisoners of war. The pits were thirty meters long, five meters wide and three meters deep. According to my calculations, some 25,000 people were killed there [among the Nazi victims, the number of which Sakrebskiy probably exaggerated, were also Jews]. In the fall of 1943, the Germans opened the graves and burned the piled-up bodies, in an effort to hide their deeds in light of the approaching the Red Army.” ...
GARF, MOSCOW R-7021-82-2 copy YVA M.33 / JM/20000
Jewish cemetery
Murder Site
Belorussia (USSR)
Sketch of the Jewish Cemetery murder site
Sketch of the Jewish Cemetery murder site
GARF, MOSCOW R-7021-82-2 copy YVA M.33 / JM/20000