Several hundred Jews succeeded in escaping the mass murder operation on December 2, 1941 by hiding in Glussk and the vicinity. At the beginning of 1942 500 Jews from the Glussk area who had been found in their hiding places were brought by Germans and local policemen to Kostyolski Val (a fortification built in the 19th century that was close to the town's cemetery) and were shot there. Later, another large group of Jews, consisting of at least 270 people, mainly women, children and old people, was shot there as well.
Related Resources
Soviet Reports
ChGK Soviet Reports
From the documents of the investigation by officers of the Soviet 28th Army of German murder activity
At the beginning of 1942 in the vicinity of Kostyolsky Val the Germans shot 500 Jews rounded up from the area. Afterwards, about 70 more Jews - women, children, and old people - were shot. Later at the same place the Germans shot several hundred more Jews collected from the area.
Fedor Sverdlov, Documents accuse, Moscow, 1996, p. 18 (in Russian)
Kostelski Val
Murder Site
Belorussia (USSR)
Galina Gelfer was born in Glusk in 1927 and lived there during the war