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Murder Story of Rēzekne Jews at the Rēzekne Jewish Cemetery

Murder Site
Monument to the Jewish victims at the Jewish cemetery in Rēzekne
Monument to the Jewish victims at the Jewish cemetery in Rēzekne
YVA, Photo Collection, 503/14130
During July 1941 the Germans and local policemen took groups of Jewish men who were incarcerated in the prison to the Jewish cemetery, where they were shot. On August 3, 1941 the Jewish women, children, and old people who had remained in the town were also imprisoned. On the next day the Germans began taking them in groups from the prison to the Jewish cemetery. Over a period of ten days, under guard by local policemen, they were taken on foot or by truck to the cemetery, where they were forced to undress and then shot. Approximately 2,000 Jews, a majority of Rēzekne's Jews, were killed in the cemetery. In April 1944 the Germans opened the mass-grave and burned all the bodies.
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The report of Johanes Becker, witness from Wehrmacht headquarters:
... About fourteen days after we came to Rēzekne, the SS appeared. They belonged to the “famous” Security Police. They had SD initials on their sleeve. We, from local garrison headquarters, lived right across from the city [town] prison. We could, after the arrival of the SS, observe in detail the happenings that took place in the prison. At first the Jews from Rēzekne and the vicinity were brought together. There were people of all ages, the gray ones and babies. Among them were also women and children. The people were pressed together like sardines in a can. They were so closely compressed that nobody could topple over. One day, it was about 4:00 or 5:00 a.m., we were awakened by shots. We ran outside and then to the headquarters. From there we went to the place from where the shots were coming. We saw there that people had dug a pit (a huge grave), and that people had to kneel before the ditch. Then they received a pistol shot from the SS in the back of their heads. Those that were not dead the Latvian soldiers had to finish off with rifle shots. The people were killed by the SS with pistol shots. As we found out, the people were subordinated directly under the Reichssicherheitshauptamt in Berlin. I did not see the number of the dead in the pit. At the side of the ditch, there were still some fifty living people. They were gradually pushed by the SS men to the pit. Finally, about ten victims were left. They had to shovel up the ditch, and then were brought back to the prison. There they told the other inmates about the killings. This brought on an intolerable wailing ....
Ezergailis, Andrew. The Holocaust in Latvia 1941-1944 : the missing center . Riga : Historical Institute of Latvia, 1996, pp. 282-283.
Jewish cemetery
Murder Site
Monument to the Jewish victims at the Jewish cemetery in Rēzekne
Monument to the Jewish victims at the Jewish cemetery in Rēzekne
YVA, Photo Collection, 503/14130
Sketch of the Jewish cemetery murder site
Sketch of the Jewish cemetery murder site
GARF, MOSCOW R-7021-93-28 copy YVA M.33 / JM/21221; JM/21222